Sunday, December 13, 2009
Def: ” That level of perceived difference between one group of humans and another that allows either group to claim moral or ethical high ground in dealing with the other group, permitting varying latitudes and levels of guilt free response to actions and stimuli, real or perceived.”
Thousands of years ago, when people tried to come up with explanations of where they came from, who created the world, why things happened, etc. , they basically arrived at conclusions that fit with their own languages, which described themselves as “the people”.
The People. The only real people. The only ones that matter.
All others are or were NOT real people. Therefore they were not REAL. Therefore they didn’t matter at all.
Then, when they developed gods, naturally, their gods were the only real gods and too good for those OTHERS. So, they classified the Others as less than real, less than human.
And, following eternal human logic, if they are/were less than human, they are/were animals, to be dealt with as such.
Without compassion or compunction.
This was refined over time by various religions and regimes as infidels or heretics. Which terms have survived, along with a few others, over the centuries to modern day.
Now commonly used to denote differences that are cited as causes for war, terrorism, assaults, beatings, hate crimes, the list goes on.
Whites call other races all sorts of epithets, which basically translate down to “infidel” (not one of US). This justifies any actions they decide to take.
Christians, especially fundamentalists, use other terms as well, and other subtleties of language to describe those they classify as “less than ourselves”, or less than human.
Each separate group or ethnos develops their own terminology and lexicon to describe whatever group they hate this week.
Right now, we are all too familiar with certain Muslim groups and their opinions of infidels and, of course, what they would like to happen to all infidels. Research the term Al-Shariyah. Muslim law for everybody, whether they like it or not. This is the fundamentalist goal for that particular group.
Liberals, American, that is. Have developed their own lexicon for the infidel. Fundamentalist, Sects, Survivalist, Conservative, Home grown Terrorist, and the ever popular Drug Dealer.
More on this subject later. Rx
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Americans vs. U.S.
Seems the Army Medic just found that he will probably be deployed to Afghanixtan after finishing his training.
Which is in line with what I was telling him.
The other boy/young man is a Marine. which means he will be deployed to Afghanistan after he finishes his training.
As I told them, our government, the U.S., does not now, nor has it for decades, feel ANY responsibility to or for our servicemen and women. They will gladly use them and throw them away without thought of duty or honor on THEIR part, while demanding same from our friends and family wearing the uniforms.
It is this history of pseudo-aristocratic insularity from consequences and or responsibility that has burst my bubble about our country.
Their is no people in the history of the world that has volunteered more, given up more, risked more for the greater good than the people of America. Americans! Not the U.S.
Whenever, whereever or whatever the emergency is, Americans will be there. Helping, volunteering, risking their lives and health.
Giving up their time, money, property. To help others in need. And it doesn't matter what country, season or direction. They are always our front when the call goes out for help and volunteers.
That is why I fly the flag, and salute it when it goes by. The people of this land are our strength and the source of our pride.
Not this greasy, graft ridden, grossly overpaid, golden parachuted, insulated from responsibility pseudo-aristocratic society of the haves that has landed in our government.
Salute the Real Americans, black, brown, red white, oriental who put themselves out there for their neighbors and others. No matter what their religion, color, origin these are the real America now.
Celebrate this. Rx
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tea Party Site, interesting info

These are the boys. They have recently joined the armed forces of the United States. For better or worse, although they are adults and made up their own minds about the decisions.
I explained that the services are a great place to get training and experience. To experience the world and meet lots of different sorts of people, but I always threw in the proviso that "when the government decides to give a war, if you are wearing the uniform, they kinda expect you to show up."
Well, they did their research and made their decisions, separately as far as I know.
So we'll see. I am proud as Hell and worried at the same time. Just like every other parent that is counting on the "government" to take care of our loved ones.
Fat chance, Right? I have no concerns about the way these two young men will comport themselves while on duty.
I have many concerns with the way they will be treated by this government that seems to think that politicians and State Department suits are more qualified to run a military operation than the people with the training and experience, i.e. the military.
If I believed in God, this is where I would start praying...
Bless all the American children and parents in the Services. Keep them safe. And if you can't keep them safe, make sure the country and the American people take care of them when they get home. l
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Communist Revolution in America?
Yes, I believe it is happening.
I admit I have spent the morning watching Fox News, the “entertainment channel” according to the Administration. If you wish to get the straight story, that is the only place to go.
They have their facts straight and they have the quotes and the video tape to prove it. "Fair and Balanced"
Hopefully, the polls are right and the voters are actually waking up to what is happening while they were looking elsewhere and there is still time to put a wrench the Socialist machine.
I think where they screwed up is the shotgun approach, where they try to change everything at once. Thus illustrating to just about everybody exactly what their plan is.
From destroying our right to Free Press and Free Speech to trampling on our Gun Rights and other vestiges of the Bill of Rights. Watch what our self appointed aristocracy says and does about and with our freedoms. Your freedoms. Your children’s freedoms.
They are using the old Communist trick of Smoke and Mirrors, distracting the voters with rhetoric and the Big Lie, while they proceed to deconstruct the existing infrastructure.
Obviously to be replaced with their own programs of power consolidation and oppression of the populace under the guise of “empowerment” and “spreading the wealth”.
Which is NewSpeak for taking the power away from the voters and taking the wealth away from ANYBODY who has it, regardless of how small a piece they might have.
Read “1984”. You will recognize the techniques.
They want to restrict your speech. They want to control your income. They will call their opponents the worst sorts of epithets, such as traitors, radicals, fundamentalists, tools of the establishment.
The very same language that Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Castro used when they met opposition of any sort.
In the meantime, as an American in modern time, you have taken an oath at some time in your adult life and should remember that you have a duty to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.
Uphold that oath! Speak out. Vote. For whoever, but vote.
Taxi Cab in Sacramento, CA
Co-Op Cab Taxi service in Sacramento, CA
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Rely on the above Service, a cooperative of original taxi drivers that has been operating virtually uninterrupted for over 25 years.
Some Changes
Am trying out a new approach to this thing..
Have been too busy trying to make a living to get over here and keep up with it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Cab Company of Sacramento
It is California Co-Op Cab Company. Located all over Sacramento, our response times are shorter, service better, and cabs cleaner than the competition.
Usually... There are exceptions. But not many..
Try it, you'll like it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Taxi Biz
This is the place to go to get a taxi in Sacramento, CA.. Best vehicles, best service. Least hassle.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The New World Order is coming, and with it the return of the Dark Ages for How Long?
Stalin kept his going for 70 plus years. Without the support of the banking oligarchy that props up our current regime..
Civil war might lurk just around the corner. With the economy in the current state, as many claim is part of the plan, people will diein the course of resistance or other events.
Out of desperation, anger, righteous indignation, patriotism, fear, courage, self-defense. As many reasons as there are people, right?
Look to yourself and your neighbors. They won't all be friendly, but your neighbors and your family will be all the help you'll get. The police work for the other side. The military will soon.
That's right, your friends and family who wear uniforms supposedly in our service will be the front line tools of oppression and tyranny. They will be told that we are terrorists or drug dealers or some other buzz word that will justify Waco type rules of engagement.
And we all know what happened there.
The feces is about to hit the air circulation device and we will all get splattered.
Hang in there and take care of yourself and your family.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Teflon Aristocracy
The aristocracy was usually a hereditary institution, with the rewards being riches, standing, power, prestige and access to the best that society had to offer.
Included in the package was a virtual shield from the consequences of their actions. They were seemingly impervious to the law or public opinion.
Hmmmm! How is it that this all sounds sooooo familiar?
America has been gifted with a Teflon Aristocracy of its own. Or, to borrow a term from the Soviet Union, the nomenklatura, that is to say, the Named Ones. Those who, by virtue of birth or membership in certain organizations, are "entitled" to do and have done whatever they feel is right for the rest of society.
Without fear of consequence (unless they mess with other members of the club) or interference.
Examine our society..
The Rich and the Celebrities do whatever they want. They are almost impervious to the law, being able to get away with virtually any crime on the books, including murder. (multiple Kennedys, OJ & Robert Blake, )
Our supposed representatives have a proven record of ignoring the wishes of their constituencies and doing whatever the Club (or their Parties) tell them to do.
Taxes keep going up, but the Rich/Celebs can afford the high end CPA's and enrolled agents to AVOID these taxes altogether.
Who gets stuck with the bill. The working man and woman.
The Teflon Aristocracy of the members of government are also non-stick in that they just rewrite the laws to protect their positions and portions of the vast sums of money, our money, that they are controlling and using for THEIR own purposes, or those of the party.
That's a term that rings a bell, The Party. The only difference between old Soviet and New American politics, is that we supposedly have TWO parties that act with impunity to their benefit and the detriment of the rest of society. Witness the general populace's crying out for tax reform and the abolishment of the IRS.
I haven't heard the government rushing to respond to THAT call.
The great unwashed masses that they have come to believe they are somehow inherently superior to.
Is that what they call a dangling participle???
Next entry: The Infidel Factor...
Friday, July 10, 2009
And, apparently, the only ones who are interested are Libertarians... \
Take this article on free speech located here. And a listing of Libertarian blogs found here!
I haven't gone down the list very far yet, but I am thrilled with what I have seen so far.
We are out there. But, for me I think it means I have to get beyond spouting my own worthless little opinions and individual rants and start getting my facts straight. Start writing with a point.
So, hopefully, the content of MY little adventure into cyberspace with gain weight and content.
Check out these two links.. VERY interesting.
Monday, June 29, 2009
This includes all the various misleading titles such as, Social Security, Income Taxes, Property Taxes, City taxes, county taxes, Excise taxes, sales taxes, Value added taxes, license fees, business taxes, self employment taxes, School taxes, etc, etc, etc.
Are you also aware that in the late 1700;s the good people of the American Colonies rebelled against the tyrannical government of the British Crown and oppressive taxation, they were willing to be branded Traitors and risk death in a myriad ways to resist a tax rate of about 3%.
And now we are looking at nearly 50% tax rate, and a government that intrudes into our private lives far far more than the British governemnt of that time ever dreamed, while maintaining the illusion on the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
The last I can only agree with, but the first???
The facts speak for themselves, right?
Look around for your self and ask yourself, "Whatever happened to the Republic for which We Stand?"
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
From the Halls of Montezuma
But he wanted a challenge, and I think he got his wish.
And, for some reason, my already sensitive nose for the news has gotten even worse.
My antipathy for Liberals, Socialists, Communists, and Statists of any sort has grown by a factor of ten, at least.
With the current trend of the State (hawk, ptooie!) to stick its overbearing fingers into everything about our personal and private lives I am already incensed as a fact of daily life.
Toss in the economic troubles the world finds itself in, and the incompetence of Any government to deal realistically with such issues, and the American Government (hawk, ptooie!) in particular.
The Ivory Tower Complex comes to the fore in virtually every newscast or photo-op that occurs.
Almost every proposed solution includes some form of the opinion that "the government MUST step in".
Why is it that people who are virtually unqualified for anything else but selling themselves to the uninformed, which used to be call "hustling" or "bunco", go into politics and suddenly feel they have a much better idea on how to deal with YOUR life and YOUR money????
These folks may or may not be competent to tie their own shoes, but how will we know, since their elevation to the New American Aristocracy provides them with a vast separation from the general populace.
The exception being their servants, who probably CAN tie shoes. Have to, since the Aristos (hawk, ptooie!) cannot be bothered with manual chores anymore. ( I know, it's a cheap shot, but I have to take the ones I can get.)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Maybe Over the Top./
Yet I have Trepidation.
I support the military, the troops. and a strong America.
But I DO NOT support the government that controls the military.
It has proven repeatedly, in many theaters, that it (the government) is totally incapable of directing ANY successful military action, on any scale.
From Korea to Viet Nam and then Gulf One and Iraq. The proof is there. Even with the liberal media trying to spin it to the left.
This Socialist regime is about to crash the American Way of Life into another Great Depression.
Of course, they keep saying over and over again, that they inherited this mess. (A practice called the Big Lie, perfected by Nazi Germany, the People's Republic of China and Soviet Russia, and, of course, the People's Republic of California.)
But, their solutions all involve taking away from the people who need the most.
Taxing Cigarettes. Hmmm? What about booze? Seems Dui's contribute to the death toll.
Oh, No! We'll just tax Health Care.. Gee why didn't we think of this before. Look for Rent Taxes Soon. All that rent money changing hands and no piece of the action for the Gov.
Why that's just wrong.
Water tax... Another idea lost in the shuffle. I'm sure they can find a way for that to work.
School tax... Oh yeah, the Lottery. Pretty good, make it voluntary and absolute minimum of prize outlay.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
President Ben Dover
In fact, it reminds me of "we had to destroy the village in order to save it".
If it doesn't give you a headache, try to follow any one of his appearances and LISTEN to what he is saying.
I wish I had the text to illustrate what I am talking about, but he specifically mentioned cutting Medicare services and treatments to be able to afford the "New Health Care Initiative"
More will follow, I am sure.
B.O. (Now stands for Bend Over)
I was looking forward to having him shake things up on Capitol Hill. But He has turned out to be just the Ideal Democrat/Socialist. Every other sentence is about what a mess the Bush Administration left him to deal with.
Very little about what he is DOING. Lots of parabola about his lofty goals and miracle cures.
But they all come back to creating a new Socialist Utopis, even with the evidence that Socialism is a complete failure throughout history.
That doesn't count China because China is NOT socialist. It is a non-heredity monarchy.
The "King" or Premier actually owns everything, with the Aristocracy, or Party Membership, keeping things running by using Propaganda and the Military.
Now I have wandered all over the place.
Obama is planning to Socialize everything and making up pay for it.
Watch and plan for your own survival thru the recession/depression. Watch the obvious steps he will be taking, compare the rhetoric and the actions.
More Later...
And eventually to take action they might deem appropriate to the situation (s) we, as Americans, find ourselves in.
Feel free to comment. No need for flaming tho, we all get too much of that in our lives already.
Thank you for your time. Aarex