Saturday, October 31, 2009

Communist Revolution in America?

Yes, I believe it is happening.

I admit I have spent the morning watching Fox News, the “entertainment channel” according to the Administration.  If you wish to get the straight story, that is the only place to go.

They have their facts straight and they have the quotes and the video tape to prove it. "Fair and Balanced"

Hopefully, the polls are right and the voters are actually waking up to what is happening while they were looking elsewhere and there is still time to put a wrench the Socialist machine.

I think where they screwed up is the shotgun approach, where they try to change everything at once.  Thus illustrating to just about everybody exactly what their plan is.

From destroying our right to Free Press and Free Speech to trampling on our Gun Rights and other vestiges of the Bill of Rights.  Watch what our self appointed aristocracy says and does about and with our freedoms.  Your freedoms.  Your children’s freedoms. 

They are using the old Communist trick of Smoke and Mirrors, distracting the voters with rhetoric and the Big Lie, while they proceed to deconstruct the existing infrastructure.

Obviously to be replaced with their own programs of  power consolidation and oppression of the populace under the guise of “empowerment” and “spreading the wealth”.

Which is NewSpeak for taking the power away from the voters and taking the wealth away from ANYBODY who has it, regardless of how small a piece they might have.

Read “1984”.  You will recognize the techniques.

They want to restrict your speech.  They want to control your income.  They will call their opponents the worst sorts of epithets, such as traitors, radicals, fundamentalists, tools of the establishment. 

The very same language that Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Castro used when they met opposition of any sort.  

In the meantime, as an American in modern time, you have taken an oath at some time in your adult life and should remember that you have a duty to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

Uphold that oath!  Speak out.  Vote. For whoever, but vote. 

Taxi Cab in Sacramento, CA

Co-Op Cab Taxi service in Sacramento, CA

Times are hard enough economically and politically right now that you do not need to worry about how to get from point A to point B when in Sacramento.

Rely on the above Service, a cooperative of original taxi drivers that has been operating virtually uninterrupted for over 25 years.

Some Changes

Am trying out a new approach to this thing..

Have been too busy trying to make a living to get over here and keep up with it. 

Will try to do better in the near future.  Rxdontreadx

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Cab Company of Sacramento

in Sacramento there is only one truly American and reliable taxi cab company...
It is California Co-Op Cab Company. Located all over Sacramento, our response times are shorter, service better, and cabs cleaner than the competition.
Usually... There are exceptions. But not many..
Try it, you'll like it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Taxi Biz

This is the place to go to get a taxi in Sacramento, CA.. Best vehicles, best service. Least hassle.