Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Islam in America

The rancor about the proposed Mosque/Visitor Center near Ground Zero is obviously all about hate.
And, while I actually agree with those against placing the Center at that location, my motives are, I think, more along the practical lines.
Regardless of the professed motives of those behind the concept, such a center would, in fact, become a "Holy Site" to those who adhere to the anti-American philosophy.
Those who danced and cheered to the music of destruction when the Towers fell. Such is the cultural posture of the violent sectarians.
Which, Apparently, Americans are beginning to mirror.
Despite the rhetoric of Freedom of Religion, Press, Speech, etc., the media is now full of HateSpeak from all corners of American Society.
Does no one remember the early days of WWII, when the army and police rounded up everyone who even looked Japanese and crowded them into Concentration Camps?
When vicious attacks on innocent people who just happened to look like someone's idea of the enemy were commonplace and rarely prosecuted?
What of the many years after the Civil War right up to the 1960's and even after that lynching, torturing and just plain killing blacks was not just commonplace, but an accepted practice in some parts of the country.
It is all a reprise of the Infidel Factor.
The concept is one of reverse solidarity. i.e., If you don't belong to my group, club, religion, political faction or whatever, then you JUST DON'T MATTER!
I/We can do anything we want to you because you JUST DON'T MATTER!
You can't practice your religion here in my town, my state, my country, because you JUST DON'T MATTER!

Well, those people are WRONG!
The framers of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States may have been Christians, hence their over free use of references to their God, but the concept of religious freedom depicted in those crucial documents was not and is not exclusive. It is INCLUSIVE.
Religious freedom is and should be for ALL THE PEOPLE. Across the spectrum of religious beliefs without exception.
To those who preach hate, from either side, GET OVER YOURSELF!
To those who attack people for so called religious reasons, GET OVER YOURSELF!
To those who attack random individuals for "patriotic reasons", GET OVER YOURSELF!
To those who condemn religions other than their own, for that reason alone, GET OVER YOURSELF!
There are crazy people all over the world. America is no exception. Crazy people do crazy things. Watch TRU TV for an hour or two, you'll see that.
Direct your animosity where it needs to be. At the source. The Taliban. Al Qaeda. The KKK. The American Nazi Party. Fundamentalist Fanatics wherever they are.
Oh, and don't forget the French.
Just because.
That was an attempt to lighten the mood, I am no fan of the French, but have nothing personal against them, so don't hate them just because I said so, please.
I am no fan of religion either, but I don't encourage bigotry of any sort.
Think about your reasons before acting rashly. You might be able to see the holes in your own logic.
Thank you for your time.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Government in Private Sector

As should be obvious to everyone, the state of our country is an indictment of our system. And the system is definitely set up to benefit those already on top and/or in charge.
This is obvious to anyone with a working brain.
We are apparently heading for a repeat of the Great Depression. With a few new wrinkles, such as Soviet style government intervention in the private sector.
Although, it is beyond the realm of imagination how anyone can possibly believe government, which is the epitome of incompetence and mismanagement could possibly do any better than actual business people.
The main difference being that government employees and/or politicos are generally immunized from any real world consequences of their actions. They have no real investment in the success of what they are doing.
There is no real incentive for performance. All they need to do is provide the appearance of progress or at least action. Make a show of "doing something." They risk nothing. They feel no need of exertion. Nor of performance.
Where an actual business person is laying it on the line. Professionally, financially and personally.. They are at risk.
Yet, virtually every day the Socialists (pronounced Democrats) tell us, via B.O., that they can do it better.
I am waiting for the official announcement of their new Five Year Plan a la the Soviet Union of the 30's 40's and 50's.
The very famously unsuccessful debacles vividly illustration the total incompetence of government to function in that capacity.
As any who could actually read history instead of swallowing whole the Socialist New Speak version of it would know.
This is something Socialists in the educational system discourage, reading real history, that is.
They don't do it, so there is no need for anyone to do it.
They appear to be so caught up in fantasy of wishful thinking.
The world where anything is possible if they just BELIEVE hard enough and long enough.
Where they are so convinced of the "rightness" of their beliefs and opinions that no sacrifice on the part of other people is to great in the service of the "common good".
Because they are sure those beliefs and opinions are so superior to those of the "common man" and will lead to a Brave New World.
A perfect world.
A world where everyone who matters agrees with them and those who don't agree don't matter.
Or they are terrorists, fanatics, criminals,... the list goes on.
Labels are handy when Mainstream Media toss them around in not-so-subtle attempts to discredit anyone who doesn't agree. To prove by clever labeling that those individuals or groups really don't matter, because, after all, they are (see above list).
The basic concept is the same as used in the early church. Heretic. Nonbeliever. Devil worshiper. And other epithets designed to elicit the most emotional reactions from their audience.
And this concept goes back to the Infidel Factor. They don't believe the same as us, therefore they don't matter, they are a hindrance that needs to be expunged. Or at least disarmed and disabled to prevent them from "creating problems".
Or, pointing out problems the powers that be don't want looked at too extensively.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Aristocracy, New, Arrogant

The arrogance of the aristocracy is one common thread throughout history.
Whether it is of the social structure of royalty, of castes, of economy, or, as in the case of the United States today, that of power.
Specifically, the political and/or economic power available and used by our political “aristocracy”.
The enormous power that is taken unto themselves with the mantle of public office or high corporate position along with the walls of immunity provided either by enormous wealth or high office also contributes to their feelings of omnipotence and complete “rightness”.
Their world narrows down to an insular game of move and countermove, interminable power ploys, chess moves and Old Boys Club One-up-manship as old as politics itself.
They exist in their insular world of the rich and powerful so far removed from the hoi polloi that they generally consider the rest of the population as little more than pieces to be moved where they will or cattle to be herded with no regard for the feelings or wishes of said cattle.
Witness the recent passage of the “Hellth Care Initiative”.
Even the polls of the Liberal Media stated clearly that no less than 70% of the people the this country did not want the thing to pass. Felt it is/was wrong for the country and disastrous for the health care industry.
And what happened?
They passed it anyway.
Because they feel themselves to be
A. Better informed than Joe Six Pack.
B. Smarter than just about anybody who has to work for a living.
C. Possessed of a divine right to rule over the masses.
D. Certain that the rest of the population is just not quite competent enough to wipe their own Noses without “aristocratic” help and guidance.
E. All of the above.
And why should they not feel this way.
Do we not allow them to continue this same pattern even after decades of this behavior and oppression of civil rights?
Do we not allow them to erect and hide behind legal walls of judicial immunity that protect them from any consequences of their own actions or programs?
The answer, my friend, Is blowing in the wind. Our trials and tribulations are SELF INFLICTED.
Even though we were unaware that we were doing this terrible thing to ourselves and our posterity, we, as a nation, did this to ourselves in the name of peace and security giving over control of our lives and properties to a government only too eager to take these controls from us and “ease the burden”.
First, allowing the government to take over the education of our children and their children.
We were obviously too busy to be bothered with it, but everybody knows kids have to get educated, so let the government provide the place and the personnel to do our job for us.
And now we reap the whirlwind of our own distraction and inattention.
More on this later.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

American Volunteerism

As things and events proceed with this administration, we are all beginning to see just exactly what the Liberals have been telling us all the time.
That they have every intention of tearing down and effectively destroying that American way of life. They are hard at work gutting American traditions and institutions, which, for better or worse, are at the bedrock of America..
Which is not to say “the United States”.
America and its citizens, despite the propaganda, are not the United States government. As anyone who has tangled with the IRS or any of the other alphabet agencies can tell you.
This government, for the past hundred plus years, has had very little concern about its citizens (read as subjects). It has stolen land, freedom, civil rights, lives with abundant disregard for either their own laws or the rights of its victims.
Americans, the actual people of this country, are the most giving and volunteering people on the face of the earth. This is evidenced virtually every day by their actions is response to emergencies and disasters all around the globe. And they continue to volunteer for Armed Forces and other volunteer organizations across the country in record numbers, only partly driven by the current economy.
In truth, Americans volunteer by the thousands regardless of the economic ebb and flow. They volunteer for disaster relief efforts around the world, not just their time and their safety, but cash and goods as well. Without seeking reward other than the feeling of doing good.
Where the government, in similar circumstances, is more inclined to look for the benefit to itself or its image. And, as proven by the response to Hurricane Katrina, fairly incompetent at the job at hand.
Riddled by programs run by incomptetents, bleeding graft, and overseen by preening politicians seeking publicity for themselves, the government has itself generated the oxymoron, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Our government “of the people, by the people and for the people,” has grown into a tyranny of bureaucracies. One after another, seeking to deprive supposed “citizens” of their money, property, and rights, these bureaucracies are operated by faceless, anonymous and therefore untouchable entities, protected by the courts and the weight of government muscle.
The alphabet agencies are dedicated to the virtual opposite of their mandates.
The ATF, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, make their daily bread by denying the American public all of the above, directly violating their own charters and the Constitution of the United States, through outright seizure, oppressive taxation and propaganda painting all opponents of their pogroms as drug dealers, terrorists, organized crime or child pornographers/molesters.
The I.R.S.(Internal Revenue Service) seems dedicated to bankrupting and/or destroying everyone who doesn’t have enough to pay for the high end CPA or tax lawyer.
The DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency, has apparently dedicated itself to ignoring the actual “drug lords” while rounding up literally millions of drug users. Jails in the United States are filled with people serving incredibly long sentences for possession and/or use of drugs. Street level dealers who are mostly doing nothing more than trying to support their own habits. Or make a few bucks on the side. And it IS comparatively a very few bucks, after looking at some of the money shipments accidentally found and confiscated by the actual good cops in the Coast Guard or Border Patrol.
It is not the individual officers, the rank and file, who are to blame, most are dedicated to the concept of “to protect and to serve, but the bureaucracies in which they find themselves entrenched and under the command of self-serving and disinterested politicians or other bureaucrats with agendas of their own.
And now, the Patriot Act, while virtually gutting what is left of the practical Constitution, has given us the Department of Homeland Defense. An Agency that is the Washington Bureaucrats dream, answering to no one outside of the White House, Above the Constitution, outside the jurisdiction of the courts, as if any judge would commit professional suicide by thwarting them.
They trample the rights of American citizens on a daily basis, under the guise of “fighting terrorism”, which even if they were serious about it, they can’t do now, because the Liberals are working in “Newspeak” to change the definitions of the very terms and language to make terrorists, real terrorists, into “victims” and victims into blind, faceless, nonhuman statistics
. This dehumanization of the victims of government actions is not new to this government or even this administration. It goes back hundreds of years.
The History Channel recently ran a program about genocides through recent history.
Communist Russia killed untold millions of their people under the Soviet Regime, from Lenin’s progroms to Stalin and later.
Communist China under Mao killed nearly 15 million of their own trying to get failing communist ideals to work in an agrarian society.
Laos, Cambodia, VietNam, several African nations engaging in tribal warfare, Bosnia and Croatia. It is a very long list of sitting governments and leaders, many of whom current Liberals idolize( including Obama) who had no problem either killing or allowing to die through neglect, millions and millions of THEIR OWN PEOPLE.
Do not fool yourselves into believing it could not happen here. It has already happened, though on a small scale. And, of course, the government got to put their own spin on such events when they happened.
A short list.
Agent Orange; radiation and chemical testing in New York subways and elsewhere; blind LSD tests w/out the knowledge of the participants; the syphilis test in Muskogee on AfricanAmericans; agent provocateurs in the civil unrest of the 60’s; marching soldiers into the desert in Nevada to test radiation exposure and its effects on healthy humans, who happened to be wearing uniforms.
There are many more incidents, the discovery of each was followed by complete denial in the face of damning evidence, or by abject apology and the promise of “Never again.”
All the while they move the projects to another location under a different name, and, possibly, different personnel, to give the appearance of compliance.

Do Not Fool Yourselves! It Can Happen Here. It has happened here. It is happening here.