Saturday, June 26, 2010

Government in Private Sector

As should be obvious to everyone, the state of our country is an indictment of our system. And the system is definitely set up to benefit those already on top and/or in charge.
This is obvious to anyone with a working brain.
We are apparently heading for a repeat of the Great Depression. With a few new wrinkles, such as Soviet style government intervention in the private sector.
Although, it is beyond the realm of imagination how anyone can possibly believe government, which is the epitome of incompetence and mismanagement could possibly do any better than actual business people.
The main difference being that government employees and/or politicos are generally immunized from any real world consequences of their actions. They have no real investment in the success of what they are doing.
There is no real incentive for performance. All they need to do is provide the appearance of progress or at least action. Make a show of "doing something." They risk nothing. They feel no need of exertion. Nor of performance.
Where an actual business person is laying it on the line. Professionally, financially and personally.. They are at risk.
Yet, virtually every day the Socialists (pronounced Democrats) tell us, via B.O., that they can do it better.
I am waiting for the official announcement of their new Five Year Plan a la the Soviet Union of the 30's 40's and 50's.
The very famously unsuccessful debacles vividly illustration the total incompetence of government to function in that capacity.
As any who could actually read history instead of swallowing whole the Socialist New Speak version of it would know.
This is something Socialists in the educational system discourage, reading real history, that is.
They don't do it, so there is no need for anyone to do it.
They appear to be so caught up in fantasy of wishful thinking.
The world where anything is possible if they just BELIEVE hard enough and long enough.
Where they are so convinced of the "rightness" of their beliefs and opinions that no sacrifice on the part of other people is to great in the service of the "common good".
Because they are sure those beliefs and opinions are so superior to those of the "common man" and will lead to a Brave New World.
A perfect world.
A world where everyone who matters agrees with them and those who don't agree don't matter.
Or they are terrorists, fanatics, criminals,... the list goes on.
Labels are handy when Mainstream Media toss them around in not-so-subtle attempts to discredit anyone who doesn't agree. To prove by clever labeling that those individuals or groups really don't matter, because, after all, they are (see above list).
The basic concept is the same as used in the early church. Heretic. Nonbeliever. Devil worshiper. And other epithets designed to elicit the most emotional reactions from their audience.
And this concept goes back to the Infidel Factor. They don't believe the same as us, therefore they don't matter, they are a hindrance that needs to be expunged. Or at least disarmed and disabled to prevent them from "creating problems".
Or, pointing out problems the powers that be don't want looked at too extensively.