Nazism didn't work. Eventually you run out of people who will believe your lies about the people you want to hate.
Imperialism didn't work, after a time, because the people they were using eventually got fed up and stood up for themselves, whether by violence or by passive resistance.
Socialism/Communism didn't and doesn't work, USSR proved that. What DID work for 70 years was a serial autocracy that called itself Communism. And that was a failure as well in the end.
Ivory tower intellectuals keep returning to the concept that it would be nice if all the people would just behave and let themselves be organized the world would be a perfect place. Their tunnel vision seems incapable of seeing the real world through the dream of the One World Order.
Of course, it is self evident (to them) that they are smarter and better educated than the hoi polloi, and therefore, they should be the ones making the rules. Just watch them on the TV giving interviews about a whole range of subjects. Their arrogance is self-evident.
Gun control, on the other hand, DOES WORK! Just not in the way they advertise.
What it does is give the government absolute total control over its citizen/subjects and every aspect of their lives.
Americans already live in a police state. More people in prison than any other country in the world, including China.
Americans pay almost 50% of their pay to the government in taxes, fees(taxes), penalties(taxes), surcharges(taxes), and other hidden charges (taxes).
Which the government proceeds to spend on wages and perqs for aristocrats, senators and representatives, while exempting them from laws bought and paid for by megacorporations, like Obamacare.
Police are even now training Military units in riot suppression and crowd control. For who. They can't control Afghan or Pakistani militants or military who continually backshoot and ambush our troops and they are our allies.
So who are they prepping to control and contain.?
These self-appointed Aristocrats who rule America have one goal... More and better CONTROL. And that means gun control. Removing the means of self defense, The Final Solution to the American Problem.
They're just not ready to unveil the ovens yet.
And I am sure you and I will be hearing about Terrorist cells, drug dealers, tax evaders, and religious fundamentalists and the actions of the alphabet agencies to "deal with" such criminals before those terrible criminals can kill children. And they must be criminals because that is what it said on TV.
TSA can't find a terrorist to save their own lives, much less ours, but the threat has been enough to allow them to grope women and children. So, who's happy about that?
Police across the country shoot people down in the street and walk away with little or no investigation, because the victim's cousin had gang connections and that is reason enough.
Botched searches on bad warrants get back paged by the media along with territorial violations and mass murder by drone operations, while local turf wars get national headlines.
And don't forget mass shootings. Misanthropic loners on psychotropic drugs somehow manage to stockpile weapons and ammunition that the average joe can't even afford until the voices make them go out and shoot a bunch of people.
Funny thing, when they run down or are stymied, they seem to realize what they have done and commit suicide so no one will hear their side of the story, you know, about the voices from the computer, the attic or whereever.
Have you noticed that this time around, there just happened to be a Liberal push for this bogus UN arms treaty? And suddenly we are awash in mass murder.
As my first wife would say,"what a coinkydink."
Just a few thoughts to pass along. thanks.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Conspiracies, Theories, Craziness, nutbags.
Election fever is upon us. This side calling that side names and casting aspersions. That side coming right back at them.
He did that. They are gonna do this.
So I have been listening to some theories, ideas, concepts and opinions from all over the net, the street, newspapers and television.
1. Election fraud is one thing a lot of people are afraid of. As well as one thing both sides claim the other is involved in.
2. The "November Surprise", i.e., some staged event, possibly of a military nature, to distract the voting public from the political issues of the day, with the side effect of enhancing the current administration's image with that same public.
3. Another of "November Surprise", in the form of martial law being imposed under the pretext of Hurricane Sandy or #2 above.
4. Turning the U.S. military against the populace in the first move for a coup d'etat, suspending the Constitution indefinitely and shipping dissenters and possible resisters off to "re-education" camps, a la Red China and Viet Nam.
5. Riots in the streets over and after the election, regardless of the outcome. The idea being that whichever side loses will whip up their constituencies to the point of outright violence amok running.
Most of these theories are spun around the idea that the U.S. military and police agencies will willingly cooperate with this type of operation.
Now, we all know, or know of, some asshole cops, bullies with badges, military testosterone cases and adrenaline junkies and so, it's not that much of a stretch to think of whole units or posses of these guys in our neighborhoods waving guns around, taking OUR guns, and shipping our friends, neighbors and family members off to some Homeland Security prison camps.
But, the fact is, that by far the majority of police and military are guys just like us who love their families, their service, and their country, not necessarily in that order.
And they think about the same things we think about. They hear the same rumors, theories, conspiracies and etc that we do. And they talk about it, and they know in their minds the right thing to do.
When that pivotal moment in history comes upon us, they will all have a decision to make, or several, but they will not be alone.
We will all have similar decisions to make, act on and live with afterward. Or not live with, if worse comes to worst.
I am getting older by the minute waiting for the "Revolution" to happen for 40 years. My wife is more radical and paranoid than I am. We have pretty much made our decisions and we will see if we have to nerve to follow through.
So, think about your own situations, and about the possible opposition. Give them a chance to make up their minds.
Keep that Positive Mental Attitude.
Let me know how you feel about that.
He did that. They are gonna do this.
So I have been listening to some theories, ideas, concepts and opinions from all over the net, the street, newspapers and television.
1. Election fraud is one thing a lot of people are afraid of. As well as one thing both sides claim the other is involved in.
2. The "November Surprise", i.e., some staged event, possibly of a military nature, to distract the voting public from the political issues of the day, with the side effect of enhancing the current administration's image with that same public.
3. Another of "November Surprise", in the form of martial law being imposed under the pretext of Hurricane Sandy or #2 above.
4. Turning the U.S. military against the populace in the first move for a coup d'etat, suspending the Constitution indefinitely and shipping dissenters and possible resisters off to "re-education" camps, a la Red China and Viet Nam.
5. Riots in the streets over and after the election, regardless of the outcome. The idea being that whichever side loses will whip up their constituencies to the point of outright violence amok running.
Most of these theories are spun around the idea that the U.S. military and police agencies will willingly cooperate with this type of operation.
Now, we all know, or know of, some asshole cops, bullies with badges, military testosterone cases and adrenaline junkies and so, it's not that much of a stretch to think of whole units or posses of these guys in our neighborhoods waving guns around, taking OUR guns, and shipping our friends, neighbors and family members off to some Homeland Security prison camps.
But, the fact is, that by far the majority of police and military are guys just like us who love their families, their service, and their country, not necessarily in that order.
And they think about the same things we think about. They hear the same rumors, theories, conspiracies and etc that we do. And they talk about it, and they know in their minds the right thing to do.
When that pivotal moment in history comes upon us, they will all have a decision to make, or several, but they will not be alone.
We will all have similar decisions to make, act on and live with afterward. Or not live with, if worse comes to worst.
I am getting older by the minute waiting for the "Revolution" to happen for 40 years. My wife is more radical and paranoid than I am. We have pretty much made our decisions and we will see if we have to nerve to follow through.
So, think about your own situations, and about the possible opposition. Give them a chance to make up their minds.
Keep that Positive Mental Attitude.
Let me know how you feel about that.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
What the Hell are Americans
Even just watching broadcast media, the
stories are adding up. The facts are
oozing out into the light. Every day we the people learn more about the reality
of our situation here in this country and the world.
So, how is it that most of us can keep
deluding ourselves that America the Free still exists.
Examining the thoughts of our Forefathers
tells us that they feared most what has occurred. That the government has mutated from our
servant to our master.
The vast majority of Americans, middle class,
lower class, whatever, lives in fear (conscious or unconscious) of some arm of
that government.
FBI, NCIC, CII, USFS, FISH & GAME, US MARSHALS, all the alphabet agencies,
supposedly to “protect and to serve”, while they actually serve to intimidate,
control, and oppress individuals and groups of Americans lest they actually
come together and take action to regain their lost “freedom”.
All levels of this government become more
oppressive and intrusive daily, while literally robbing the poor to feed the massive
machinery to support that oppression and intrusion.
This not so new “aristocracy” (the Soviets
called them the ‘nomenklatura’) is controlling our lives with new and extensive
laws, rules, regulations passed in the name of “safety”, but really designed to
control our activities, our businesses, our bank accounts, our travel and our
Even the mainstream media while fawning over
the leftist elite, has let slip some news items that are symptomatic of the
degeneration of America. NYPD shooting
unarmed citizens in a fit of road rage.
Innocent people murdered in botched “drug
raids”, Operation Fast and Furious, Afghanistan (in a military, political and
financial sense). The list goes on.
Yet, most of us keep burying our heads in the
sand, hoping it will all get better in the morning.
Now we have a presidential election that is,
at best, a choice between two evils and, at worst, simply more of the same song
and dance.
Because, regardless of the outcome of that
election, We the People are still screwed.
There’s a lot of talk about the middle class
vs. the super rich.
Have you seen the readily available statistics
about the average US Senators wages and
health and retirement packages, for sitting in Washington or Sacramento doing
little or nothing except lining his/her own pockets comes to several hundred
thousand dollars a year, while a serving US soldier on active duty in a war
zone earns less than $40,000 a year.
For getting shot at and wounded or killed
serving some arcane political scenario of “democratization” that will never
work in a tribal society over 2,000 years old.
Yet they want to tax us AGAIN for this over
the top statist health care plan.
Americans KNOW their government doesn’t work
FOR them anymore. Like all
bureaucracies, it works for itself only.
Government employees are not responsible, not liable,
not controllable, not prosecutable and not answerable for their actions, no
matter how harmful.
The Government has become autocratic,
monolithic, and totally unresponsive to its own citizens.
Doesn’t this sound like some of the nastier
regimes in recent world history? Jailing
more than 10% of its own population on bogus charges, testing weapons on its own population in
secret, utilizing manifest destiny to take private property for use by
corporations. Every day.. something.
And yet, we continue to allow this stuff to
happen. To us, to our neighbors, to our
friends, to people we don’t even know.
One by one, “they” chip away at our liberties
and rights, redefining and abolishing in secret until we find ourselves in the
position we find ourselves in today.
Out maneuvered, out numbered, out lawyered,
and out of luck.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
A couple of surmises.
They really like our money, but nobody really
likes America.
They don’t
like our foreign policy.
They don’t
like the way we treat “terrorists”.
They don’t
like our military presence.
They don’t
like our missionaries.
But they
REALLY like our money.
Americans don’t like the U.S. government.
It has
become too expensive, too invasive, too monolithic in regards to its own
We don’t
like our foreign policy.
We don’t
like our worldwide military presence.
Those are our kids, our husbands, brothers, sisters that those people
are shooting at.
We don’t
like how the bureaucracy treats our military when they get home, if they get
We don’t
like spending billions of dollars to prop up corrupt bloody regimes for arcane
political ends that benefit a select few in those regimes.
We also like our money and would really like to keep more of it at home, literally. In our homes and our pockets.
That the
government of the U.S. does not care in the least how the American people feel
about anything it does or causes to happen.
entrenched bureaucracy that really runs the country behind its ivory
tower walls of anonymity & immunity from responsibility continues in its
unshakable belief in its own correctness, superiority and inherent right to do
what it pleases when it pleases.
Congress passing into law bills written by and for corporations and other
special interest groups, to the IRS bleeding the American people to support
Afghan and Iraqi warlords and corrupt Socialist regimes, including the U.N., all over the world. All the way down to the Post Office cutting
services and raising rates at will.
The State
Department using our military personnel to enforce its own version of “democracy”
on millennia old tribal and ethnic cultures who are smart enough to give lip
service with their hands outstretched while enforcing their culturally inherited
discipline and control out of sight of those handing out checks.
The American
government is VERY GOOD at what it does.
Which is,
basically, to act in a Fascist manner, controlling the populace with a myriad
of conflicting and confusing laws, rules, regulations, bureaucracies and police
agencies and policies.
Using the
mass media to foster and foment dissension and distrust between ethnic and political
groups to prevent any sort of unity of thought or action.
secrecy and opacity of purpose to keep said groups and populations in the dark
and ignorant of the ruling elites true intent, goals and desired ends.
Smoke and
Mirrors,. The Big Lie.
The twin
concepts worked so well for the National Socialists (read NAZIs) and for the
Communist Party from its very inception.
And never
let it be said that Republicrats and bureaucronies can’t learn from success.
If a person
actually takes the time to observe the difference between what the government
(at any level) says and what actually does or allows to happen, that person
soon learns that reality and government claims are, in truth, polar opposites.
regardless of any and all claims and assertions to the contrary, mainstream
media is, repeat IS, a vital, if deniable, partner to the vast web of
All media
are owned by charter members, either corporate or infividual, of that
establishment, to adopt the old terminology.
And, as such
chattels, operate at the behest and in the interest of those owners.
With that in
mind, it becomes more and more obvious we exist in a fog of disinformation, half
truths and outright lies.
What we, as
Americans, truly need to remember is that we are, all of us, Americans.
And that we have
in common, the Constitution, and our history, spotty though it may be, that
tells us we all have rights, regardless of what “the government” has to say
about it.
conversely, the responsibility
to insist that everybody, all Americans, must have those rights as well.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Aurora Shooter
So, now we have another in a long line of "spontaneous" incidents which are not so subtle examples of agents provocateurs at work.
Another poor schmuck finds himself in a position to be manipulated person or persons unknown.
The evidence already extant in the media clearly shows that the cover story is chock full of holes. Police say "lone shooter", witnesses say"accomplice inside theatre".
Poor grad student... Thousands of dollars of equipment, guns and ammunition.
Neuroscience (i.e. medical field) student builds extremely complicated booby traps in and around his apartment, then, upon arrest, warns police of traps.
Video evidence of "shooter" at arraignment shows him in advanced state of stoned out of his gourd, a full day or more after arrest. Dazed and confused is the only accurate descriptor.
Many bloggers and talk show types are already commenting and speculating about the facts behind these anomalies. You Tube is in the act.
Watch for a lot of these stories to fade away or just disappear as the eyewitnesses do the same.
Or eyewitness accounts will transmogrify over short periods, as the witnesses are approached by "investigators" or "government representatives" who express concerns about spreading panic.
Do you remember the video of a missile shooting down a civilian airliner in the northeast? I do. It disappeared after one (1) showing on national tv. Very interesting.
Do you remember video showing FBI agents throwing gas grenades into the Waco compound before it became a conflagration that killed men, women, and children.? I do. It also disappeared.
Do you remember the original story about Ruby Ridge wherein the evil White Separatist Randy Weaver was entrapped into violating the law, then his son and friend were ambushed and assaulted in the woods near his home leading to a siege and standoff where an unarmed woman holding a baby was shot by FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi, who was not only never charged for the crime, but was given a medal( don't quote me on that, it is just word of mouth).
Do you remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the continual harassment of him, his family and his movement, authorized by and carried out by the FBI. Dr. King, whose movement and later his assassination galvanized a nation, yet puzzled observers with hundreds of anomalous details regarding the perpetrators.
Do you remember "the grassy knoll"? What about Lee Harvey Oswald? Defector times 2, ex-marine rifleman, assassinated in the frigging police station by a local bar owner who had bragged of CIA and Mob connections. (Again, check that, working from memory here.)
And does anybody remember CIA experiments in the subways of New York with various chemical agents and nerve gas?
Or the U.S. Army marching hundreds of soldiers into a desert with little or no protection to watch an atomic explosion, to determine the effects on unprotected human beings.
Remember the U.S. abandonment of the Hmong and Montagnard soldiers of VietNam after dozens of promises of safe passage and rescue?
Tell me again what this phrase means to you?
"I am from the government and I am here to help."
Another poor schmuck finds himself in a position to be manipulated person or persons unknown.
The evidence already extant in the media clearly shows that the cover story is chock full of holes. Police say "lone shooter", witnesses say"accomplice inside theatre".
Poor grad student... Thousands of dollars of equipment, guns and ammunition.
Neuroscience (i.e. medical field) student builds extremely complicated booby traps in and around his apartment, then, upon arrest, warns police of traps.
Video evidence of "shooter" at arraignment shows him in advanced state of stoned out of his gourd, a full day or more after arrest. Dazed and confused is the only accurate descriptor.
Many bloggers and talk show types are already commenting and speculating about the facts behind these anomalies. You Tube is in the act.
Watch for a lot of these stories to fade away or just disappear as the eyewitnesses do the same.
Or eyewitness accounts will transmogrify over short periods, as the witnesses are approached by "investigators" or "government representatives" who express concerns about spreading panic.
Do you remember the video of a missile shooting down a civilian airliner in the northeast? I do. It disappeared after one (1) showing on national tv. Very interesting.
Do you remember video showing FBI agents throwing gas grenades into the Waco compound before it became a conflagration that killed men, women, and children.? I do. It also disappeared.
Do you remember the original story about Ruby Ridge wherein the evil White Separatist Randy Weaver was entrapped into violating the law, then his son and friend were ambushed and assaulted in the woods near his home leading to a siege and standoff where an unarmed woman holding a baby was shot by FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi, who was not only never charged for the crime, but was given a medal( don't quote me on that, it is just word of mouth).
Do you remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the continual harassment of him, his family and his movement, authorized by and carried out by the FBI. Dr. King, whose movement and later his assassination galvanized a nation, yet puzzled observers with hundreds of anomalous details regarding the perpetrators.
Do you remember "the grassy knoll"? What about Lee Harvey Oswald? Defector times 2, ex-marine rifleman, assassinated in the frigging police station by a local bar owner who had bragged of CIA and Mob connections. (Again, check that, working from memory here.)
And does anybody remember CIA experiments in the subways of New York with various chemical agents and nerve gas?
Or the U.S. Army marching hundreds of soldiers into a desert with little or no protection to watch an atomic explosion, to determine the effects on unprotected human beings.
Remember the U.S. abandonment of the Hmong and Montagnard soldiers of VietNam after dozens of promises of safe passage and rescue?
Tell me again what this phrase means to you?
"I am from the government and I am here to help."
Sunday, July 22, 2012
United Nations of America??????
What the Hell is going on here.?
Is it true that Obeyme is planning to sign another U.N. subversion agreement that will invalidate our Constitution?
Is it true that the U.N. is going to shut down our national parks because Americans are wasteful of Nature?
Where Progressive Nations like, say Brazil (home of the rainforest depradations) are more considerate of those assets?
Is it true that the Liberals believe the U.S. of A. will operate better if we let all the Third World nations of the United Nations take over day to day operations inside our borders???
It is definitely true that Obeyme is going around the world apologising for all the hurt feelings abroad from our geopolitical, financial, and military activities, regardless of good outcomes or bad.
Is this the action of a loyal American President?
Are the allegations related to Obeyme's birth certificate true, as they appear to be? I don't think Sheriff Joe Arpaio is totally above political skulduggery, but he's got a pretty good record so far as a stand up guy. i.e., He'll stand up to the media and big government for what he believes is right and just.
Or, did he sell out to conspiracy theorists? I don't know..
How long will Americans continue to sell their freedoms for the illusion of security as presented by The Establishment?
I am talking about individual Americans, the backbone of this country. Every great American since Washington and Franklin has spoken, preached, ranted and raved about the evils of Big Government. And how the worst enemy of individual freedom and rights is that selfsame Big Government.
I, unfortunately, do not think I will live to see the inevitable clash. I would like to have been able to contribute in some small way. And I think it's a shame that our children will be caught up in another civil war, possibly, probably much worse than the first two.
Prepare your children, train them, arm them with skills they may very well need all too soon. Prepare yourselves, just in case.
Is it true that Obeyme is planning to sign another U.N. subversion agreement that will invalidate our Constitution?
Is it true that the U.N. is going to shut down our national parks because Americans are wasteful of Nature?
Where Progressive Nations like, say Brazil (home of the rainforest depradations) are more considerate of those assets?
Is it true that the Liberals believe the U.S. of A. will operate better if we let all the Third World nations of the United Nations take over day to day operations inside our borders???
It is definitely true that Obeyme is going around the world apologising for all the hurt feelings abroad from our geopolitical, financial, and military activities, regardless of good outcomes or bad.
Is this the action of a loyal American President?
How long will Americans continue to sell their freedoms for the illusion of security as presented by The Establishment?
I am talking about individual Americans, the backbone of this country. Every great American since Washington and Franklin has spoken, preached, ranted and raved about the evils of Big Government. And how the worst enemy of individual freedom and rights is that selfsame Big Government.
I, unfortunately, do not think I will live to see the inevitable clash. I would like to have been able to contribute in some small way. And I think it's a shame that our children will be caught up in another civil war, possibly, probably much worse than the first two.
Prepare your children, train them, arm them with skills they may very well need all too soon. Prepare yourselves, just in case.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Republic: For which it stands? or Soviet Socialist?
So, once again the Supreme Court decides that the Federal Government overrides the Constitution and the last vestiges of Freedom and Liberty in this country.
Okay, so it's a tax, Big F'n Deal. It is one more example of the New Aristocracy foisting their own world view on the rest of us, while letting us pay for it.
Pelosi, Reid and Obeyme, along with Soros and other multi-national mega-rich are all moving handily along with the One World Order program, while foisting the Big Lie on the American People.
The rest of the world is already subjugated to various degrees. The British Empire, all of it, is peopled by "Subject". Europe is and always has been filled with "peasants" and "Aristocrats". Asia has also always been ruled and rulers. As opposed to Leaders and countrymen.
Africa is and always has been the dark continent, not from melanin, but from a culture of tribal and genocidal violence, cruelty and greed.
The Middle East? Well, religious and ethnic conflict is a historical way of life there. Regardless of which side you might lean towards. And there are several sides to that situation. From the Islamist Jihadists to our "friends" the Israelis who viciously attacked the USS Liberty in the 60's.
Look around, who do you see who is actually doing well?
They are probably employees of some government agency or another. Education, Taxation, Enforcement, or just paper-pushing. And they are the ones who support the Liberal "Big Lie" that "the private sector is doing fine."
There are more and more homeless on the streets virtually every day. More and more slackers with signs on street corners. More and more and more victims of a ruthless, heartless and unheeding government or the sometimes worse "private sector" such as banks, employers, stock markets and others who are focused on their own agendas and programs to the complete detriment of the working public.
Those of us who have to actually work for a living, rather than just sit at a desk in some bureaucracy.
News clips appear daily of American cops and/or American military |putting some protest or other. From College kids getting pepper sprayed, regardless of how provocative they were acting, to riot cops driving into crowds with billy clubs and shields.
Waco, Ruby Ridge, Wounded Knee, Kent State, Hell, the Civil War. All examples of the Great and Powerful Oz, excuse me, Federal Government exercising its might to suppress and destroy individual rights and freedoms.
It was after the Civil War that the first Jim Crow laws, Drug laws, and Gun control laws were passed, mostly directed and keeping the Black men in their "proper place". Negroes have had an uphill battle ever since.
And, over the 150 years since, the federal government has continued its program of suppression, oppression, and aggression against its own citizens of all races and creeds without discrimination. Red people, Black people, Yellow people, Brown people and white people alike have been reduced to revenue sources and pawns to be played off against each other to distract and divert attention from the very real danger to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and what they are supposed to mean to US, you and me.
The hard part for all of us is going to be rising above all the not so petty distractions and diversions that our "rulers" keep tossing out in front of us.
Obama playing the race card to arouse the Blacks and the Browns.
Anti Romney's playing the religion card to split off his supporters.
Mainstream media vilifying Fox News and conservative Radio talk show hosts with a plethora of invective and epithets.
The Big Lie...
Arise Americans of all forms! You have nothing left to lose but your chains. !!!!!!
Vote Libertarian or None of the Above.
Friday, March 16, 2012
16 Mar 2012
Alright! Now everybody just hold on a minute!
We all need to widen our focus just
a bit.
Because, you see, our opponents,
politically speaking, are not what or who we are led to believe by our lords
and masters and their pet media.
Our opponents are not that black
guy, the Pakistani immigrant, the Mexican crossing the river, the white guy
acting like an ass, even the idiot in the Hummer driving while chatting on his
cell phone.
Nor is it the Conservative Right,
the Liberal Left, the Religious Nutbars,
or the Sacrilegious Scientists.
These are all invented
classifications with but one purpose…
“Divide and Conquer”
I don’t know who first hypothesized
the idea, but it is and was a good one.
If your population is too busy
fighting each other over wrongs real or imagined, they are too busy to notice
what you are doing to them AND are likely to attribute such acts to their
apparent enemies anyway.
i.e.: By creating or enhancing such
divisions as race hatred, religious conflict, class struggle, the true
opponents of our generation continue with their program unhindered.
Look at the situation item by item.
interferes in your business operation with little concern over how it affects
your bottom line or that of your employees.?
interferes in and with the way you raise and educate your own children?
decides how much of YOUR hard earned money must be TAKEN from you by force and intimidation for purposes
arcane and possibly against your personal beliefs?
has forced you to endure Gestapo like procedures merely to travel within your
own country?
tells you that you must make sacrifices for the good of all while sucking down
salaries, pensions and perks that would be the envy of 85% of Americans if they
were more widely known. ?
spends their entire working day, aside from lunches, junkets, and photo ops,
writing, supporting, lobbying for and passing MORE and MORE legislation
designed specifically to interfere with YOUR daily life even MORE than said
laws already do. ?
has managed to include in those laws, loopholes absolving them and their
co-workers in every capitol, from responsibility for virtually any actions they
may take or cause to be taken, rendering them untouchable?
continue to create agencies with the power to regulate with the force of law
(IRS, EPA, DEA, ATF) above, beyond and generally hidden from civilian
vest pocket media continues to distract the populace from the actual conditions
of modern life with propaganda about the “easy availability” of money and a
life of ease with TV shows like Cribs and others highlighting the opulent
lifestyle of sports and entertainment celebrities as if that is the normal
standard of living and the average schmo is being kept from that lifestyle by
the parties mentioned above?
10.Who is continually pontificating about the altruistic motives for
their own actions while they take away from your lifestyle bit by bit and add
to their own with pay raises (while unemployment skyrockets), mega dollar “loans”
to companies about to declare bankruptcy (while driving existing businesses
either out of business, out of state, or, out of the country), and, of course,
the “Golden Parachute”, giving executives who drive their own corporations into
receivership multi-million dollar “retirement” packages.
The general
drift of this is that our (your and my) true opponents are not the guy next
door or across the street, regardless of political or religious belief or
ethnicity… It is the political-industrial-media complex driven aristocracy that
has arisen and is in the process of putting its jackbooted foot on ALL our
This time it
really is US vs. THEM, Dammit!
It’s just
a different THEM than we have been led to believe. Look around and decide for yourself.
You don’t
have to like the guy next to you to fight for freedom. Because you are fighting for the freedom to
make those decisions for yourself rather than relying on the government or
media to tell you who to hate.
Friday, March 9, 2012
This I Believe by Robert A. Heinlein
"I am not going to talk about religious
beliefs but about matters so obvious that it has gone out of style to mention
them. I believe in my neighbors. I know their faults, and I know that their
virtues far outweigh their faults.
"Take Father Michael down our road a
piece. I'm not of his creed, but I know that goodness and charity and
lovingkindness shine in his daily actions. I believe in Father Mike. If I'm in
trouble, I'll go to him."
"My next-door neighbor is a veterinary
doctor. Doc will get out of bed after a hard day to help a stray cat. No
fee--no prospect of a fee--I believe in Doc.
"I believe in my townspeople. You can
know on any door in our town saying, 'I'm hungry,' and you will be fed. Our
town is no exception. I've found the same ready charity everywhere. But for the
one who says, 'To heck with you - I got mine,' there are a hundred, a thousand
who will say, "Sure, pal, sitdown."
"I know that despite all warnings
against hitchhikers I can step up to the highway, thumb for a ride and in a few
minutes a car or a truck will stop and someone will say, 'Climb in Mac - how
far you going?'
"I believe in my fellow citizens. Our
headlines are splashed with crime yet for every criminal there are 10,000
honest, decent, kindly men. If it were not so, no child would live to grow up.
Business could not go on from day to day.
Decency is not news. It is buried in the
obituaries, but is a force stronger than crime. I believe in the patient gallentry
of nurses and the tedious sacrifices of teachers. I believe in the unseen and
unending fight against
odds that goes on quietly in almost every home in the land.
"I believe in the honest craft of
workmen. Take a look around you. There never were enough bosses to check up on
all that work. From Independence Hall to the Grand Coulee Dam, these things
were built level and square by craftsmen who were honest in their bones.
"I believe that almost all politicians
are honest. there are hundreds of politicians, low paid or not paid at all, doing
their level best without thanks or glory to make our system work. If this were
not true we would never have gotten
past the 13 colonies.
"I believe in Rodger Young. You and I
are free today because of endless unnamed heroes from Valley Forge to the Yalu
River. I believe in -- I am proud to belong to -- the United States. Despite
shortcomings from lynchings to bad faith in high places, our nation has had the
most decent and kindly internal practices and foreign policies to be found
anywhere in history.
[Rodger Wilton Young (April 28, 1918 – July 31, 1943) was an Americaninfantryman in the U.S. Army during World War II. He was killed on the island of New Georgia while helping his platoon withdraw under enemy fire. For his actions, he
posthumously received the United States' highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor.]
"And finally, I believe in my whole
race. Yellow, white, black, red, brown. In the honesty, courage, intelligence, durability,
and goodness of the overwhelming majority of my brothers and sisters everywhere
on this planet. I am proud to
be a human being. I believe that we have come this far by the skin of our
teeth. That we always make it just by the skin of our teeth, but that we will
always make it. Survive. Endure. I believe that this hairless embryo with the
aching, oversize brain case and the opposable thumb, this animal barely up from
the apes will endure. Will endure longer than his home planet -- will spread
out to the stars and beyond, carrying with him his honesty and his insatiable
curiosity, his unlimited courage and his noble essential decency.
"This I believe with all my heart."
Robert A. Heinlein wrote this item in 1952.
His wife, Virginia Heinlein, chose to read it when she accepted NASA's Distinguished
Public Service Medal on October 6, 1988, on the Grand Master's behalf (it was a
posthumous award). Mrs. Heinlein received a standing ovation.
And let me add; This I Believe:
That Americans are truly the cream of the crop. As stated above, humans have a natural gift for charity, compassion and self-sacrifice, but Americans seem to be the ones keeping the flame of humanity alive.
The new is full of it. Disasters happen, and who is the first to arrive from outside the immediate neighborhood?
Americans, private citizens on their own dime or with some established private charity. Not FEMA, not the U.S. guvmint. (At least not until the political value of such a move is analyzed, charted, vetted, denied, negated and kicked upstairs to the bosses for a decision. See Katrina, FEMA's performance in.)
Americans, giving up their own time, money and risking their safety to help others all around the world who might be in need.
Yes, we might have our own troubles here at home, crime, unemployment, homelessness, but these are temporary for the most part. Especially now that more and more Americans are starting to realize that the source of most of our problems is our government and the ivory tower approach to real world problems that just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper.
Americans, of all races and former nationalities, are without a doubt, the most splendid example of humanity, generally speaking, on the planet.
95% of them are honest, hardworking individuals who care about their families, their commuities, their country (whether native or adoptive), and all they want from life is the chance to live their lives, pursue their own brand of happiness and to do both in the brand of Liberty our national forefathers designed.
The freedom to worship in the church of their choice, or not.
The freedom from oppression by a tyrannical bureaucracy operating without regard to the will of The People.
The freedom to keep their children from being sacrificed far from home for political ends they do not agree with.
The freedom to conduct business in an honest, orderly manner without a gestapo-like ex-government organization disrupting, destroying, and disemboweling their business and their family in search of a few more dollars to throw into the hungry maw of a deficit totally out of control.
Freedom from harassment of any kind was the goal of our forefathers when they organized this little operation in the way back when. A republic where each citizen was sovereign, endowed with certain inalienable rights, which no one person, no organization, and no group of people could take away from
them .
More later... Rx
Monday, February 27, 2012
Just saw the story about the Occupy protesters from Oakland coming up here to harass the Nazi protest over the white genocide in South Africa.
And, of course, violence broke out.
Now, I have no quarrel with counter protesting the frigging Nazi's. The more the better as far as I'm concerned.
But Occupy started the riot by throwing stuff at the Nazi's and then transferred their attention to the police. Attacking them and injuring two.
Typical Occupy tactics to get press and spout their Newspeak version of reality, i.e., they were peacefully protesting Nazi's and the Police attacked them to protect the Nazi's.
Followed by the by now standard expostulations of innocence, peaceful intentions, and nonviolent motivations.
And, of course, the usual nonsensical pseudo explanations of their philosophy, aims and goals.
As if they recruited from every continuation high school on the west coast for the rank and file.
Which might explain why they managed to get so many people to fall for their line and get involved.
Ya know?
And, of course, violence broke out.
Now, I have no quarrel with counter protesting the frigging Nazi's. The more the better as far as I'm concerned.
But Occupy started the riot by throwing stuff at the Nazi's and then transferred their attention to the police. Attacking them and injuring two.
Typical Occupy tactics to get press and spout their Newspeak version of reality, i.e., they were peacefully protesting Nazi's and the Police attacked them to protect the Nazi's.
Followed by the by now standard expostulations of innocence, peaceful intentions, and nonviolent motivations.
And, of course, the usual nonsensical pseudo explanations of their philosophy, aims and goals.
As if they recruited from every continuation high school on the west coast for the rank and file.
Which might explain why they managed to get so many people to fall for their line and get involved.
Ya know?
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