Just saw the story about the Occupy protesters from Oakland coming up here to harass the Nazi protest over the white genocide in South Africa.
And, of course, violence broke out.
Now, I have no quarrel with counter protesting the frigging Nazi's. The more the better as far as I'm concerned.
But Occupy started the riot by throwing stuff at the Nazi's and then transferred their attention to the police. Attacking them and injuring two.
Typical Occupy tactics to get press and spout their Newspeak version of reality, i.e., they were peacefully protesting Nazi's and the Police attacked them to protect the Nazi's.
Followed by the by now standard expostulations of innocence, peaceful intentions, and nonviolent motivations.
And, of course, the usual nonsensical pseudo explanations of their philosophy, aims and goals.
As if they recruited from every continuation high school on the west coast for the rank and file.
Which might explain why they managed to get so many people to fall for their line and get involved.
Ya know?