Election fever is upon us. This side calling that side names and casting aspersions. That side coming right back at them.
He did that. They are gonna do this.
So I have been listening to some theories, ideas, concepts and opinions from all over the net, the street, newspapers and television.
1. Election fraud is one thing a lot of people are afraid of. As well as one thing both sides claim the other is involved in.
2. The "November Surprise", i.e., some staged event, possibly of a military nature, to distract the voting public from the political issues of the day, with the side effect of enhancing the current administration's image with that same public.
3. Another of "November Surprise", in the form of martial law being imposed under the pretext of Hurricane Sandy or #2 above.
4. Turning the U.S. military against the populace in the first move for a coup d'etat, suspending the Constitution indefinitely and shipping dissenters and possible resisters off to "re-education" camps, a la Red China and Viet Nam.
5. Riots in the streets over and after the election, regardless of the outcome. The idea being that whichever side loses will whip up their constituencies to the point of outright violence amok running.
Most of these theories are spun around the idea that the U.S. military and police agencies will willingly cooperate with this type of operation.
Now, we all know, or know of, some asshole cops, bullies with badges, military testosterone cases and adrenaline junkies and so, it's not that much of a stretch to think of whole units or posses of these guys in our neighborhoods waving guns around, taking OUR guns, and shipping our friends, neighbors and family members off to some Homeland Security prison camps.
But, the fact is, that by far the majority of police and military are guys just like us who love their families, their service, and their country, not necessarily in that order.
And they think about the same things we think about. They hear the same rumors, theories, conspiracies and etc that we do. And they talk about it, and they know in their minds the right thing to do.
When that pivotal moment in history comes upon us, they will all have a decision to make, or several, but they will not be alone.
We will all have similar decisions to make, act on and live with afterward. Or not live with, if worse comes to worst.
I am getting older by the minute waiting for the "Revolution" to happen for 40 years. My wife is more radical and paranoid than I am. We have pretty much made our decisions and we will see if we have to nerve to follow through.
So, think about your own situations, and about the possible opposition. Give them a chance to make up their minds.
Keep that Positive Mental Attitude.
Let me know how you feel about that.