Thursday, November 21, 2013

Islam. Religious? Or political?

21 Nov 13
It turns out that Islam is NOT so much a religion as a political entity with “paradise” as the reward for compliance and fealty. 
Shariah law is self-explanatory.  Complete dominance over certain individuals or groups by other individuals or groups.  Stated right in there is the complete part.  Judge, jury and executioner as decided by those individuals or groups. 
REGARDLESS of locale, custom, usage and or statutory jurisdiction. 
However this came about, the result is that a rogue political group has infiltrated this country with the aim of subverting our culture, institutions and way of life to their own perverted and even more violent culture.
Now, having infiltrated our government at the highest levels, they are making their move.  Starting at the lower levels, county, state and municipal, they are actually getting courts to approve their actions by recognizing Shariah Law as some sort of religious freedom that is sacrosanct under the Constitution.  
Much the same way L. Ron Hubbard got a Multi-million dollar sales corporation designated a legal religion to avoid taxes and legal oversight. 
They are scams, we all know they are scams, but they are now legal. 
Unfortunately, many people do not know Islam is a scam.  They believe that just because it is old, it must be a religion.  In that sense, it is, as is the single most wealthy corporate entity in the world.  The Catholic Church. 
But, Islam has ALWAYS been a political entity.  Dedicated to conquering the world, and has almost succeeded many times.  But it has failed in the end because of the way it works. 
Islam cannot tolerate the different, the exceptional.  It is a rigid caste system that must be adhered to lest the upper castes be displaced by those more capable.
And this intolerance shows in the bloodiest most violent practices.  Terrorism of their own to rival the Auto Da Fey and the Inquisition (although the Inquisition may have borrowed some of their ideas).
That is the ONE goal of Islam.  The absolute supremacy of Islam and Shariah over the entire world.  No matter the cost to the world, including their own children.
Every, each and every, all, no exceptions, practicing Muslim has this as his or her goal.  Their motivation in life.  It is part and parcel with the indoctrination, training,  “prayers” (actually a furthering of the indoctrination) and daily life.
Moderate muslims are not.  They are the public face of these new Nazis.  They misquote and mislabel their “mein kampf” or quran by using lines from early in the book to mislead questioners.  While that book itself states that the later passages take precedence of the earlier.  Meaning the more violent sentiments are the more valid ones to take from reading the book.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I think...

I think:
  • Our government elites need to be taken down a peg. 
  • We should reduce their exorbitant salaries, provided at taxpayer expense.
  • We should remove their elitist health care, provided at taxpayer expense.
  • We should redirect those exorbitant salaries to military salaries, especially those in harm's way.
  • We should redirect those elitist health care plans to the wounded veterans currently being given short shrift by said government. 
  • We should sever the continuing corruption cycle of the corporate-government revolving door policy.  Pick one or the other, not both.
  • We should prosecute law breakers and wrongdoers, regardless of current position or government title.
  • We should dismantle the Democratic Socialist Regime we currently have and return to an actual Republic, where an individuals rights cannot be taken away by a slick lawyer and or a well run ad campaign, even after some disaster that is not related to that person occurs and scares some people.
  • We should redefine "eminent domain" as a concept requiring a "burden of proof" on the petitioner rather than the current owner. 
  • We should DISCONTINUE all foreign aid, except possibly disaster relief, until and unless unemployment drops to a minimal level.  
  • We should discontinue the practice of using our military to police the world, shore up dictatorships or overthrow democracies or functioning regimes regardless of certain sectors of the populace's feelings about said regimes. 
  • We should re-examine the choke hold that unions have on labor and management in the U.S. today with a view to becoming economically competitive INSIDE our own borders again. 
  • We should remind ourselves that religion has NO PLACE in government.  The Founding Fathers, nominal Christians mostly, agreed that the separation of church and state was essential.  Religious opinions are and should be kept as personal matters, rather than statutory issues. 
  • We should regain the concept that there are many places and issues that government really has NO say in, unless some person comes to some form of harm.
  • We should clean up the court system, simplify, streamline, and restore responsibility to the bench.  Judges and lawyers should be responsible for THEIR actions as well as their clients.
  • We should restore the concept of responsibility to police, judges, lawyers, civil servants, government employees, military personnel, individual citizens.  RESPONSIBLE for their own actions or lack of actions. 
  • We should restore this responsibility to the concept of SELF-DEFENSE.  A person is ultimately responsible for his own defense and that of his family.  No one can RELY on someone else for that defense.  (Even if a person HIRES some person or agency for that purpose, it is on that person.) 
End Part I

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A little llist.

22 Oct 2013

               You all probably know by now, if you have followed the news at all, that we now live in a police state.
               From the bottom up; A list, not necessarily in any order, except the order they come to me.
1.      “Civil Servants” is now semantically equal to “civil masters” Heinlein was right.
2.      Schools teach your children how to obey and worship the government rather than how to think for themselves and function as responsible adults.  And they react with force and violence when their actions are questioned, even in forums supposedly for that very purpose.
3.      Police powers have left the Bill of Rights in the dust, with police ignoring search warrant laws, shooting citizens with impunity.  Bullying citizens with imaginary “regulations” and “statutes” into allowing searches and other violations of rights.
4.      States, cities, counties and feds are virtually all immune to any form of redress through the courts, by statute.  You can’t sue them if they wrong you.  Courts stand with authorities with no regard for individual rights.  Police are immune from suits.  Police investigate their own wrongdoings, with predictable results.
5.      Secret courts, secret warrants, secret bugging.  The list goes on.
6.      Local administrations, city, county, water district, sewer district, and DMV,  issues commandments disguised as regulations, fines, assessments, levies, permit costs, license costs, fees pretty much at will, leaving absolutely no recourse for the average citizen,  Again, local courts are useless being backed up and so expensive as to be prohibitive,  as designed , specifically to deter and discourage lawsuits.
7.      The “War on Drugs” has imprisoned more people in this country than in any two other countries in the world, mostly for victimless crimes like using or growing.
8.      Border Patrol, ICE, DHS and others routinely violating rights with warrantless searches and illegal detainments without probable cause all over the country with no regard for any actual borders.
9.      Federal “authorities” completely disregarding election laws, contribution laws, their own regulations and rules to further an anti-American agenda of communism, socialism, Islamism, and political correctness that is going to end in violence.  Either in revolution or in mass oppression and suppression of dissent.
10.   Taxation at ALL levels has surpassed any  possibility of maintaining an acceptable lifestyle for any except the political and corporate classes.
11.   These two classes have devolved into a self styled aristocracy that feels it is within its rights to decide how everyone else should live their lives.  And that they deserve the fruits of our labors.
12.   The alphabet agencies are all either gearing up or are already set to come down on the American people to enforce the Statist rule in this country.
13.   The Executive branch is steadily weeding the military of the loyal American high command seeking pliant obedient officers who won’t hesitate to fire on American citizens if ordered to do so.
14.   The Executive branch is showing its Islamist sympathy more and more every day,  putting known foreign  terrorist sympathizers and homegrown convicted terrorists in high level government positions, specifically in the police and enforcement positions where they can affect the way those agencies operate.
15.   Political Correctness as fostered by government entities and the liberal media is working hard to stifle the First Amendment right to speak one’s mind or to criticize either special groups, pronounced Islamists, or the Federal government, to the point of actual laws to allow the arrest and prosecution of protesters at the whim of any government thug.
16.   The Islamists are actually invading this country.  Once here, unlike any other group of immigrants, they immediately bring their own horrific beliefs and practices to the fore, completely disregarding American laws and customs, but using those same laws and customs to bully and intimidate their new neighbors.  Apparently with the support and collusion of law enforcement nationwide.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Open Letter to vets and serving U.S. military:

Come home. 

By now you have figured out, along with the rest of us that you are being used as mercenary forces to support the programs and plans of the corporate, political and banking elites that are actively engaged in a) trying to rule the world and b) attempting to dismantle America and the Constitution.
Come home.
We are going to need you here very soon.  Your families will need you.  Your communities will need you. Your country will need.  Here, not there.
By now most of you have realized that those people are, despite being murderous fanatics hell bent on destroying us, basically resisting an invading army.  Their government is just like ours.  Bought and paid for. The people are reacting to foreign boots on the ground. Violently, just as we will.
Come home.
Leave them nothing there to fight except themselves, which they will do. Brutally and to the death.
Come home. 
The REAL THREAT is here already.  They have come over here and are actively trying to enact their Sharia law here and the government is helping them, against our wishes.   Your wives, sisters and daughters face serious physical harm through a systemic program of rape, torture and death if they have their way.Your churches and synagogues face a very real threat of burning and destruction.
Your schools will advance from programming centers for the Socialist Left to Sharia schools where girls are not allowed and the Koran is the only reading allowed under pain of death.
Come home.
A Senator from California now claims that “all vets are mentally ill and should be disarmed.”  Other liberals and the media are crawling all over themselves to disarm average Americans. 
Ask yourself; “Why?”  Read your history and it becomes clear.  Tyranny cannot abide an armed populace.  Because an armed populace WILL NOT ABIDE tyranny.
Come home.
We have already been invaded.  The enemy is here is force.  Islamics want to destroy Americans. Liberals want to destroy America.  Mainstream media has become a propaganda arm of the Socialist agenda.
Come home.
The Socialist forces have worked for decades to divide the people into antagonistic groups for the express purpose of “divide and conquer”.   While the various groups are distracted with the surface issues laws are being passed by the political class that will nail the lid on the coffin of freedom and liberty in this country.
Come home. 
TSA, DEA, NSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, DHS and ATF have all now got heavily armed police forces aimed at the general public.  Since they haven't actually CAUGHT a terrorist in years, what else do they need all the arms and armor for.  Did I mention that they are all buying armored combat vehicles for use in and around the United States.
All this while you are around the world supposedly "protecting" us from terror, when you are actually the stick they are using to stir up the hornets. 
Come Home!
Now our very own government is inviting foreign troops to occupy American soil to "assist" with this new U.N. treaty also aimed at disarming Americans.  Foreign troops occupying American cities.!
Come Home!  Please!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Gun laws don't work.


I am so tired of everybody harping about gun laws don't work, so why do the Liberals and the Government keep trying to pass them and take our guns.
You know they don't work, we know they don't work, THEY know they don't work.
The part you keep missing is that they DON'T CARE.!
They want to take your, mine, our guns. 
The important question here is WHY?
Well, if you think about it, you already know the answer to that.
They want to be sure that the only ones with guns are themselves, their guards, their army, their cops.
And why do they want that state of affairs so badly?
Because they plan to continue doing what they are doing right now and they don't want ANYBODY who could possibly object to what they are doing to have ANY say in the matter.
I mean, seriously, Monsanto owns the government and has their own people highly placed in it.
Jihadists are all over our government and seeing to it that WE supply THEM with weapons to kill US and cause disruption all over the world, while converting OUR country to be more like the shitholes they left.
Bankers are running riot across the country using government money to run their own Ponzi schemes for enormous profits at our expense.
Police are stretching their muscles on the streets, pissing on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and every citizen is a target every day.  The Army and the Alphabet Agencies are murdering innocent people virtually at will in any country they choose, including this one.
Every potential threat, from reporters to whistleblowers to military retirees of all ranks are being murdered, blackmailed, or defamed and libeled into silence. 
His highness the Prez is on a whirlwind tour of spending our money on vacations and holidays while ignoring his actual job, or insulting allies, friends and other nations on a daily basis.
Our representatives, either in Congress or local office have come to think of themselves and civil "masters" instead of civil "servants". 
The courts have repeatedly shown that they respect the status quo more than the law of the land or individual rights.

We KNOW this.  They KNOW this.  Unfortunately, they also know that without UNITY, we will never win.  They will remain where they are, and we will remain where we are.
So, stop whining about why don't they see the facts.  Recognize that they do, and WE  are dreaming to expect them to change their minds.
Get off the Lazyboy and do SOMETHING. ANYTHING.  Vote, protest, march, call write harangue your reps.  Let them know you're "MAD AS HELL AND YOU AREN'T GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!"  
Thank you. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Are we losing before it starts?

4 July 2013
               I am saddened by some revelations of the day.
1.      My young neighbor, an active duty soldier, tells me he doubts the resolve of the average American to defend their rights and liberties, being too comfortable with and involved in the daily distractions of their toys, careers, and government Newspeak.
2.      Fox News runs some “man in the street” interviews with Gen X and younger types asking some questions about current events and relevant information and getting BS answers and regurgitated pap straight from mainstream media. 
3.      Jay Leno has done something similar with his “Jaywalking” routines.  Brilliantly illustrating the fact that the average American apparently has an IQ somewhere near their own body temperature. 
4.      Comparing the number of respondents to various protests and rallies here in the U.S. to the number of participants in other countries around the world.  The only word that comes to mind is miniscule.
So, with that in mind, I must say, by way of reminder, that the original revolution was brought to fruition with the active participation of about 3% of the population at the time. 
Hence the rise in popularity of the term 3 percenters and the symbol III%.
One can only hope that something similar can occur, but realistically, we are now facing an opponent that is FAR more advance than the general population in both technology and training.  As opposed to back in the day. 
The loyal opposition, us, has more well trained veterans than the first ones had, but those vets are all marked men.  As are the more vocal police officers, preppers, bloggers, Tea Partiers, well, the list goes on.  
              And, the guvmint swears that their Prism program and hardware, which will NEVER be used against the American people, just happens to be capable of watchdogging every single phone conversation, text message, internet conversation or search, as well as follow your phone and listen to your conversations in your front room from the inside of your television.
The current administration is committing felony after misdemeanor after treasonous act and the average American could care less as long as he gets his new Iphone.
Now POTUS and his cronies are actually saying out loud that the Bill of Rights is “outdated” and “not relevant”, because, after all, the government wouldn’t think of violating our individual rights, which we don’t actually need anymore, right?
John McCain, a man I once had great respect for, has taken his defeat in his campaign badly and gone over to the other side, and I am not talking about Republican vs. Democrat.  He has slimed his way onto Obama’s bandwagon mouthing platitudes and advising “moderation’ and what?  Loyalty to the regime?
Apparently he has made his deal. 
It should be obvious by now that there are actually no “parties”, but just one program to stay on top and in charge. 
I don’t know how many of the wild One World Order and Illuminati conspiracy theories are true or even close to true, but I know that the facts of life tell me that there is some truth in some or all of them. 
The infamous “They” are fully engaged in the program to disassemble the Constitution and America. And they are succeeding. 
Will it be America that survives or the United States?  Because there IS a difference.  Has been since the Civil War, average joe just didn’t notice. 
Sound familiar?  Like to our present state.
We have been democratized into a satrapy, a socialist “democracy” that lets the hoi polloi vote themselves “bread and circuses”, while the country we all love is chipped away and flushed one bit at a time.