The social media and blogs are full of articles and opinions getting irate about what they see as ignorance and ivory tower opinions regarding the Left's attitude about "gun control".
They decry false statistics, misleading campaigns, outright lies while backing up their opinions with true facts and statistics of their own, quoting the FBI, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, etc., etc., ad nauseum.
What they almost all seem to be missing is that the Left is not stupid, ignorant or uneducated about the Constitution.
They just don't care. They have an ideal that they are striving for, with the assistance of the mainstream media and the homegrown oligarchy (look it up) that exists in each and every state and in Washington, D.C.
Which is, as with all bureaucracies, to maintain the status quo. To keep the populace under control either by misdirection (pronounced lying), or by statutory means (pronounced force).
They actually care very little for the vox populi or the voice of the people.
This is evidenced by the fact that they continue to pass law after law after regulation after statute binding and oppressing the population with a Gordian knot of rules to the point that it is possible to punish, i.e., arrest, someone for either doing of failing to do any one particular act. The state just has to look hard enough to find the correct law.
Now, we find ourselves in a supposed national bind of their creation, which they continue to ignore as if it is a minor matter while they take lavish vacations at our expense. Then they vote themselves raises while the country languishes under unemployment and welfare statistics that rival the worst in Europe.
They have privately deemed themselves to be an aristocracy that is destined to rule the peasants, that's us, and lead our country and our world to a Brave New World.
With all the dire portents that involves for you and me.
They have money, lots of it, mostly ours and the failing economy is a footnote to them.
They have power, lots of it, given to them by the voters and taken by them with statutory regularity.
They have control, lots of it, by virtue of owning the media, the police, the military, the executive branch (whichever party actually sits in the White House) and the judicial. Most of Congress is already in the club, and we are not.
Party affiliation means nothing. It's all the same club.
They want to take our guns, keeping their own. They want to take our money, keeping their own (taxing the rich is a smoke screen, accountants see to that). They want to create more and more laws to enhance their control of our daily lives.
Drug laws, gun laws, Political Correctness laws, "anti-terrorist" laws and agencies. The list goes on.
Alphabet agencies abound with conflicting and overlapping jurisdictions to enable them to get involved in virtually every aspect of individual freedom and to limit it to the utmost of their ability.
The pseudo-morality of fundamentalist religious zealots have empowered the government to believe that it has the right to meddle in our private lives with regard to who we marry, where we travel and how, what beliefs we can hold and express. All in direct violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
American prison population is the highest in the world, mostly for victimless crimes that harmed no one except the accused. The legal system refuses to admit their mistaken convictions even when proved by new scientific methods and evidence, leaving innocent men and women in prison or on death row to protect their own reputations and "the system".
The latest gun grab is a symptom. The indefinite detention rule now in effect is a symptom. The proliferation of alphabet agencies is a symptom. The disease is already upon us.
Time to think about a cure. Don't you agree?
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not. was not, and never will be for the use of the government to control the People.
It IS, and always has been, for the use of the People to control their government.