I am so tired of everybody harping about gun laws don't work, so why do the Liberals and the Government keep trying to pass them and take our guns.You know they don't work, we know they don't work, THEY know they don't work.
The part you keep missing is that they DON'T CARE.!
They want to take your, mine, our guns.
The important question here is WHY?
Well, if you think about it, you already know the answer to that.
They want to be sure that the only ones with guns are themselves, their guards, their army, their cops.
And why do they want that state of affairs so badly?
Because they plan to continue doing what they are doing right now and they don't want ANYBODY who could possibly object to what they are doing to have ANY say in the matter.
I mean, seriously, Monsanto owns the government and has their own people highly placed in it.
Jihadists are all over our government and seeing to it that WE supply THEM with weapons to kill US and cause disruption all over the world, while converting OUR country to be more like the shitholes they left.
Bankers are running riot across the country using government money to run their own Ponzi schemes for enormous profits at our expense.
Police are stretching their muscles on the streets, pissing on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and every citizen is a target every day. The Army and the Alphabet Agencies are murdering innocent people virtually at will in any country they choose, including this one.
Every potential threat, from reporters to whistleblowers to military retirees of all ranks are being murdered, blackmailed, or defamed and libeled into silence.
His highness the Prez is on a whirlwind tour of spending our money on vacations and holidays while ignoring his actual job, or insulting allies, friends and other nations on a daily basis.
Our representatives, either in Congress or local office have come to think of themselves and civil "masters" instead of civil "servants".
The courts have repeatedly shown that they respect the status quo more than the law of the land or individual rights.
We KNOW this. They KNOW this. Unfortunately, they also know that without UNITY, we will never win. They will remain where they are, and we will remain where we are.
So, stop whining about why don't they see the facts. Recognize that they do, and WE are dreaming to expect them to change their minds.
Get off the Lazyboy and do SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Vote, protest, march, call write harangue your reps. Let them know you're "MAD AS HELL AND YOU AREN'T GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!"
Thank you.