Open Letter
to vets and serving U.S. military:
Come home.
By now you
have figured out, along with the rest of us that you are being used as
mercenary forces to support the programs and plans of the corporate, political
and banking elites that are actively engaged in a) trying to rule the world and
b) attempting to dismantle America and the Constitution.
Come home.
We are going
to need you here very soon. Your
families will need you. Your communities
will need you. Your country will need.
Here, not there.
By now most
of you have realized that those people are, despite being murderous fanatics
hell bent on destroying us, basically resisting an invading army. Their government is just like ours. Bought and paid for. The people are reacting to
foreign boots on the ground. Violently, just as we will.
Come home.
Leave them
nothing there to fight except themselves, which they will do. Brutally and to the death.
THREAT is here already. They have come
over here and are actively trying to enact their Sharia law here and the
government is helping them, against our wishes. Your wives, sisters and daughters face
serious physical harm through a systemic program of rape, torture and death if
they have their way.Your churches and synagogues face a very real threat of burning and destruction.
Your schools will advance from programming centers for the Socialist Left to Sharia schools where girls are not allowed and the Koran is the only reading allowed under pain of death.
Come home.
A Senator
from California now claims that “all vets are mentally ill and should be
disarmed.” Other liberals and the media
are crawling all over themselves to disarm average Americans.
yourself; “Why?” Read your history and
it becomes clear. Tyranny cannot abide
an armed populace. Because an armed
populace WILL NOT ABIDE tyranny.
Come home.
We have
already been invaded. The enemy is here
is force. Islamics want to destroy
Americans. Liberals want to destroy America.
Mainstream media has become a propaganda arm of the Socialist agenda.
Come home.
Socialist forces have worked for decades to divide the people into antagonistic
groups for the express purpose of “divide and conquer”. While the various groups are distracted with
the surface issues laws are being passed by the political class that will nail
the lid on the coffin of freedom and liberty in this country.
Come home.
TSA, DEA, NSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, DHS and ATF have all now got heavily armed police forces aimed at the general public. Since they haven't actually CAUGHT a terrorist in years, what else do they need all the arms and armor for. Did I mention that they are all buying armored combat vehicles for use in and around the United States.
All this while you are around the world supposedly "protecting" us from terror, when you are actually the stick they are using to stir up the hornets.
Come Home!
Now our very own government is inviting foreign troops to occupy American soil to "assist" with this new U.N. treaty also aimed at disarming Americans. Foreign troops occupying American cities.!
Come Home! Please!