Sunday, July 20, 2014

Amerika the Dutiful.

Straight out of “1984”, we are now living in a world of “perpetual war” and “omnipresent surveillance”. 
“Newspeak”  is now pronounced “politically correct”.
“Thought crimes” are now called “racism” and “hate speech”.  Conservative beliefs or opinions also qualify.
America is ruled by the center of a “cult of personality”, who  may actually be an empty sock puppet for the “Party” leaders, and I don’t mean the Democratic Party.
Mainstream media are responsible for the correct propaganda.  The education system is well into the program of “historical revisionism”, rewriting our founding documents in textbooks to suit their socialist dogma.  Programming young students from a young age to believe and obey authority no matter what their parents say.
Politicos and corporate VIP’s engage in “doublethink” on a regular basis, thinking one way for the voters and the consuming public, and another for the elite and government powers that be.
Government agencies have devised their own versions of “memory holes”, like “crashed hard drives”, claims of 5th Amendment or “executive” privilege.  No one even bothers with the old standby, “I just don’t recall”.
Our “Ministry of Love” is the combined alphabet agencies that swarm against any perceived threat, verbal, printed or physical protest against the Establishment.  With absolutely no compunction or guilt about any methods used.
Our “Ministry of Peace” is called the Department of Defense and is actively engaged in wars of aggression across the globe and has for decades. 
And the “telescreen” is a fact of modern life, when the NSA or any police agency can turn on your computer remotely and activate the web cam to monitor you activities.  As they are probably watching me write this. 
I suppose I can expect a visit from the thought police.
Local municipalities, county and state governments all feel empowered to involved themselves into the everyday activities of ordinary citizens, regardless of rights, privacy or lack of criminal intent.
Police agencies actively encourage their minions to engage in criminal activities, bullying and outright terrorism to further control and revenue generation, without any fear of being actually held responsible for these morally and civilly reprehensible acts. Bill of Rights violations occur on a daily basis.
In the name of security the average American has been reduced to the status of serf, while being told on a daily basis how free they are and how good things “really” are, despite the evidence of their own eyes. 
America the Beautiful is dying, replaced by Amerika the Dutiful.