An Article Worth Reading!!
It seems my worst fears are coming true. Congress is working, in secret, to pass a bill that will empower the Executive Branch to utilize the American Military as Team America, World Police.
Except that, in direct violation of Posse Comitatus, they plan to use it within the borders of the USA.
AND, they plan warrantless arrests, without charge, and without rights. Including US citizens.
Surprise, John McCain helped write this usurpation of the Constitution.
Usurpation HELL! It is a downright rape of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Read the article and don't let this happen. Civil war cannot be far behind... Iraq right here in Peoria.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
What the Heck were they thinking??So, as a cabdriver in Sacramento, CA, I often see the "seamy underside" of the city.
And. let me tell you, it gets very seamy. I see it all, from suits talking about multideals and megabucks, mostly involved with government, to street people with and without homes who just want something for nothing. Usually spare change or a free ride.
I hear opinions that make a lot of sense and others that obviously don't make sense to those spouting at the time they are spouting them.
I hear Occupy protesters chanting socio-communist slogans and Tea Parties praying for sanity.
I hear pseudo-Christians going on and on about the Will of Gawd. Or Allah. Whatever the Flavor of the moment is.
I hear students droning on and on about the specious drama of their own lives as if it were a reality show and really mattered to anyone besides them. Young urban professionals talking about the job and the people they interact with as if its all going to matter in 30 years when they are ready to retire the first time and start collecting their golden parachutes.
Junkies and drunks babble about how their lives got all fucked up, usually by someone else, because, obviously, THEY weren't at fault.
Peaceniks who abhor the military. Vets and active service who cover the whole range of political views from anti-war to "kill em all, Let God sort 'em out".
Americans, almost all. Wannabe Americans! Gonna be Americans! Should be Americans!
I actually think the first generation of immigrants should be sent home after they have their kids, because their version of culture shock is just too traumatic on us all, their kids are American and will probably have different political views, religious views and social views.
But so what???? That is what is all about. Right?
But the parents, can't or won't speak English, Hang on to old country ways and customs. Way too disruptive for me. I can do without it. Unless they make the effort, thousands and millions have made that effort and it has paid off. For them and for us, America, that is.
If you can't be bothered to make that little bit of effort, if the old country ways are good enough for them. Then go back to the old country. I'll help you pack.
And. let me tell you, it gets very seamy. I see it all, from suits talking about multideals and megabucks, mostly involved with government, to street people with and without homes who just want something for nothing. Usually spare change or a free ride.
I hear opinions that make a lot of sense and others that obviously don't make sense to those spouting at the time they are spouting them.
I hear Occupy protesters chanting socio-communist slogans and Tea Parties praying for sanity.
I hear pseudo-Christians going on and on about the Will of Gawd. Or Allah. Whatever the Flavor of the moment is.
I hear students droning on and on about the specious drama of their own lives as if it were a reality show and really mattered to anyone besides them. Young urban professionals talking about the job and the people they interact with as if its all going to matter in 30 years when they are ready to retire the first time and start collecting their golden parachutes.
Junkies and drunks babble about how their lives got all fucked up, usually by someone else, because, obviously, THEY weren't at fault.
Peaceniks who abhor the military. Vets and active service who cover the whole range of political views from anti-war to "kill em all, Let God sort 'em out".
Americans, almost all. Wannabe Americans! Gonna be Americans! Should be Americans!
I actually think the first generation of immigrants should be sent home after they have their kids, because their version of culture shock is just too traumatic on us all, their kids are American and will probably have different political views, religious views and social views.
But so what???? That is what is all about. Right?
But the parents, can't or won't speak English, Hang on to old country ways and customs. Way too disruptive for me. I can do without it. Unless they make the effort, thousands and millions have made that effort and it has paid off. For them and for us, America, that is.
If you can't be bothered to make that little bit of effort, if the old country ways are good enough for them. Then go back to the old country. I'll help you pack.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
According to Webster's:
Peasant (def 2.) : a usually uneducated person of low social status
Aristocrat (def. 3) : one believed to be superior of its kind
If you take a step back and examine our modern society with an unbiased view, difficult as that may be, you will note the obvious:
Although the terms have fallen into disuse, they are quite applicable to our current social arrangement.
Our new "self-styled" aristocracy believes itself to be the superior of its kind. Just a little, or a lot depending on the source, better than the hoi polloi that make the major bulk of Americans.
They believe themselves to be smarter, better educated, more attuned to "political realities" and, oh yeah, RICHER than the rest of us. Ergo, they are superior.
Better educated? Well, most of them went to better schools, but education is more than the school. Someone has to learn from those schools and not just buy your schoolwork from the local laissez faire nerd. That is where RICHER comes in handy.
Smarter? Exactly how many of these supposedly smarter upper class types keep stepping on their own appendages publicly and repeatedly. Bill Clinton, George Bush, Paris Hilton. The list goes on.
More attuned to political realities? Well, after years of indoctrination by Socialist educators and mentors (i.e. Obama's recent revelations of his mentors), that is definitely open to question.
Webster’s (again)
Reality: def 2. a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs (2) : the totality of real things and events.
This obviously does NOT include the current “close your eyes
and repeat ‘it MUST be true, it MUST be true” attitude of certain
leftist/Liberal/Socialist/Communistic world leaders living in Washington, D.C.
The tactic is the same one Clinton tried, The Big Lie, fine
tuned by J. Stalin in post WWII U.S.S.R.
Keep telling the same lie often enough and eventually people will start
believing it.
Reality is not defined by what some aristocrat wants to be true, i.e. Great big
Socialist One World Government with a docile proletariat happily toiling away
at distasteful tasks, and a kindly, beneficent gentry running things only because
they are qualified and better able to
handle the complicated tasks involved.
Reality is almost a hundred years of dreadful history
highlighting the immense, repeated failure of Socialism to accomplish anything
useful besides allow tyrants to massacre millions of their own people in
relentless efforts to maintain their power and control over those people.
Economies devastated, famines hushed up, five year plan
disasters, mass murder commonplace.
Propaganda works, for a while, but eventually, the truth will out.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Well, it's just one thing after another.
The damn socialists and statists are really working hard at trying to just dismantle the Republic.
I was just watching "Pure Country" with George Strait. Not that movie, corny as it is, is a completely excellent commentary about Americans.
There is one scene at a rodeo where the guy on the horse carries a US flag around the arena several times and all the hats in the arena came off, except his of course, and I do mean ALL THE HATS.
There just is not that sort of respect for the flag and all it stands for anymore in the cities and even in the larger towns.
Dumb hillbilly rednecks who just happen to represent the heart and soul of this country that was.
There are quotes about the situation we find ourselves in now, from history, fiction, commentary etc.
Usually along the lines of "those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it."
And we are repeating history. The history of every golden age nation.
The golden age is ending, apparently by our own design. That is the collective "our". i.e., Most people of this country are buying the consumerist line that we are all destined to be rich and famous.
Others have apparently purchased huge lots of "everybody can be well off, if we just 'manage' everybody's wealth for them. Meaning redistribution of said wealth. Except for theirs, of course, because after all, they are already contributing by helping you spread yours around, whether you want to or not.
The government no longer even cares what the people want. See Obamacare.
Votes no longer count for squat, just check that last few "popular" initiatives. What? They aren't around.? Well, imagine that.
Your money... Thanks to the Fed, and a few other minor factors, it now costs $5.00 for a loaf of bread. Gas is hovering between $3 and $5 per gallon.
Every day we hear some new move to put us as a nation under the thumb of the United Nations, an organization made up primarily of Third World Countries that can't run themselves, but they want a piece of our action.
Why,? Because they don't have squat of their own... Why don't they have squat of their own? Because their best and brightest have left and gone to America, where even in our screwed up economy, they are still better off than in their own shithole countries.
The government INSISTS on sending Trillions of the tax dollars they steal from us overseas each and every year to buy friends and what do they get.???
They get millions of people who hate us for what we have and they can;'t get because their rulers have stolen all the aid to buy chalets in the Alps to live in when their countries turn on them.
There are millions of Islamics in the world who hate the US, because in their entire lives they have read PARTS of ONE book. The Koran. And the rest of what little they learn over and above how to wipe their butts with the left hand, is spoon fed to them by Imams with "agendas". That is power. To have all those people whose only knowledge of the world comes through THEM.
Another quote: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely!"
Reinforcement: Look at the socialist American horribly misnamed education system. We shuffle our kids off to schools that more closely resemble Mao's famous "Re-education camps".
Seriously, scratch a teacher, find a socialist.
Another quote: "No generalism is true, not even this one."
Americans beware, there are evil forces and deeds afoot in our country and we have all been asleep while they work.
One morning soon, we will all awake and find ourselves in the same boat as the Jews, gays and Communists in 1930's Germany who "just couldn't believe Hitler was really serious".
Nobody believes that our government would turn on us. They already have.
1. Does anybody really believe we are doing any good sending American boys to die in Afghanistan?
2. Does anybody really believe Iraqis really plan to have a democracy when we take our checkbook home?
3. Does anybody really want to keep giving Pakistan billions of dollars to bribe them out of nuking India?
4. Does anybody really care if the French really like us? Or the Italians or insert nation here.
5. Does anybody really want to keep giving our government millions of dollars to support the Third World? Or believe they will come to OUR aid when we need it.?
6. Does anybody really believe they still live in the land of the free? When EVERY pissant government agency can and will take what you own or save or earn whenever they want and some Supreme Court Justice for Life will just re-write the Constitution to suit.
If you answered NO to three or more of these questions, you really need to sit down and re-evaluate your own situation vis-a-vis modern political realities.
The damn socialists and statists are really working hard at trying to just dismantle the Republic.
I was just watching "Pure Country" with George Strait. Not that movie, corny as it is, is a completely excellent commentary about Americans.
There is one scene at a rodeo where the guy on the horse carries a US flag around the arena several times and all the hats in the arena came off, except his of course, and I do mean ALL THE HATS.
There just is not that sort of respect for the flag and all it stands for anymore in the cities and even in the larger towns.
Dumb hillbilly rednecks who just happen to represent the heart and soul of this country that was.
There are quotes about the situation we find ourselves in now, from history, fiction, commentary etc.
Usually along the lines of "those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it."
And we are repeating history. The history of every golden age nation.
The golden age is ending, apparently by our own design. That is the collective "our". i.e., Most people of this country are buying the consumerist line that we are all destined to be rich and famous.
Others have apparently purchased huge lots of "everybody can be well off, if we just 'manage' everybody's wealth for them. Meaning redistribution of said wealth. Except for theirs, of course, because after all, they are already contributing by helping you spread yours around, whether you want to or not.
The government no longer even cares what the people want. See Obamacare.
Votes no longer count for squat, just check that last few "popular" initiatives. What? They aren't around.? Well, imagine that.
Your money... Thanks to the Fed, and a few other minor factors, it now costs $5.00 for a loaf of bread. Gas is hovering between $3 and $5 per gallon.
Every day we hear some new move to put us as a nation under the thumb of the United Nations, an organization made up primarily of Third World Countries that can't run themselves, but they want a piece of our action.
Why,? Because they don't have squat of their own... Why don't they have squat of their own? Because their best and brightest have left and gone to America, where even in our screwed up economy, they are still better off than in their own shithole countries.
The government INSISTS on sending Trillions of the tax dollars they steal from us overseas each and every year to buy friends and what do they get.???
They get millions of people who hate us for what we have and they can;'t get because their rulers have stolen all the aid to buy chalets in the Alps to live in when their countries turn on them.
There are millions of Islamics in the world who hate the US, because in their entire lives they have read PARTS of ONE book. The Koran. And the rest of what little they learn over and above how to wipe their butts with the left hand, is spoon fed to them by Imams with "agendas". That is power. To have all those people whose only knowledge of the world comes through THEM.
Another quote: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely!"
Reinforcement: Look at the socialist American horribly misnamed education system. We shuffle our kids off to schools that more closely resemble Mao's famous "Re-education camps".
Seriously, scratch a teacher, find a socialist.
Another quote: "No generalism is true, not even this one."
Americans beware, there are evil forces and deeds afoot in our country and we have all been asleep while they work.
One morning soon, we will all awake and find ourselves in the same boat as the Jews, gays and Communists in 1930's Germany who "just couldn't believe Hitler was really serious".
Nobody believes that our government would turn on us. They already have.
1. Does anybody really believe we are doing any good sending American boys to die in Afghanistan?
2. Does anybody really believe Iraqis really plan to have a democracy when we take our checkbook home?
3. Does anybody really want to keep giving Pakistan billions of dollars to bribe them out of nuking India?
4. Does anybody really care if the French really like us? Or the Italians or insert nation here.
5. Does anybody really want to keep giving our government millions of dollars to support the Third World? Or believe they will come to OUR aid when we need it.?
6. Does anybody really believe they still live in the land of the free? When EVERY pissant government agency can and will take what you own or save or earn whenever they want and some Supreme Court Justice for Life will just re-write the Constitution to suit.
If you answered NO to three or more of these questions, you really need to sit down and re-evaluate your own situation vis-a-vis modern political realities.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
L. Neil Smith Article
Check out the above link for some interesting history.
Aristocrat v. Peasant
According to Webster's:
Peasant (def 2.) : a usually uneducated person of low social status
Aristocrat (def. 3) : one believed to be superior of its kind
If you take a step back and examine our modern society with an unbiased view, difficult as that may be, you will note the obvious:
Although the terms have fallen into disuse, they are quite applicable to our current social arrangement.
Our new "self-styled" aristocracy believes itself to be the superior of its kind. Just a little, or a lot depending on the source, better than the hoi polloi that make the major bulk of Americans.
They believe themselves to be smarter, better educated, more attuned to "political realities" and, oh yeah, RICHER than the rest of us. Ergo, they are superior.
Better educated? Well, most of them went to better schools, but education is more than the school. Someone has to learn from those schools and not just buy your schoolwork from the local laissez faire nerd. That is where RICHER comes in handy.
Smarter? Exactly how many of these supposedly smarter upper class types keep stepping on their own appendages publicly and repeatedly. Bill Clinton, George Bush, Paris Hilton. The list goes on.
But, truthfully, RICHER comes in handy here as well, because many people are loath to embarass the rich because it might cut into their own profit margin. Others might hope to profit from these gaffes themselves.
More attuned to political realities? Well, after years of indoctrination by Socialist educators and mentors (i.e. Obama's recent revelations of his mentors), that is definitely open to question.
Webster’s (again)
Reality: def 2. a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs (2) : the totality of real things and events.
Peasant (def 2.) : a usually uneducated person of low social status
Aristocrat (def. 3) : one believed to be superior of its kind
If you take a step back and examine our modern society with an unbiased view, difficult as that may be, you will note the obvious:
Although the terms have fallen into disuse, they are quite applicable to our current social arrangement.
Our new "self-styled" aristocracy believes itself to be the superior of its kind. Just a little, or a lot depending on the source, better than the hoi polloi that make the major bulk of Americans.
They believe themselves to be smarter, better educated, more attuned to "political realities" and, oh yeah, RICHER than the rest of us. Ergo, they are superior.
Better educated? Well, most of them went to better schools, but education is more than the school. Someone has to learn from those schools and not just buy your schoolwork from the local laissez faire nerd. That is where RICHER comes in handy.
Smarter? Exactly how many of these supposedly smarter upper class types keep stepping on their own appendages publicly and repeatedly. Bill Clinton, George Bush, Paris Hilton. The list goes on.
But, truthfully, RICHER comes in handy here as well, because many people are loath to embarass the rich because it might cut into their own profit margin. Others might hope to profit from these gaffes themselves.
More attuned to political realities? Well, after years of indoctrination by Socialist educators and mentors (i.e. Obama's recent revelations of his mentors), that is definitely open to question.
Webster’s (again)
Reality: def 2. a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs (2) : the totality of real things and events.
This obviously does NOT include the current “close your eyes and repeat ‘it MUST be true, it MUST be true” attitude of certain leftist/Liberal/Socialist/Communistic world leaders living in Washington, D.C.
The tactic is the same one Clinton tried, The Big Lie, fine tuned by J. Stalin in post WWII U.S.S.R. Keep telling the same lie often enough and eventually people will start believing it.
Reality is not defined by what some aristocrat wants to be true, i.e. Great big Socialist One World Government with a docile proletariat happily toiling away at distasteful tasks, and a kindly, beneficent gentry running things only because they are qualified and better able to handle the complicated tasks involved.
Reality is almost a hundred years of dreadful history highlighting the immense, repeated failure of Socialism to accomplish anything useful besides allow tyrants to massacre millions of their own people in relentless efforts to maintain their power and control over those people.
Economies devastated, famines hushed up, five year plan disasters, mass murder commonplace. Propaganda works, for a while, but eventually, the truth will out.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cut Pensions? Military or Congressional….. You Decide.
The latest travesty out of Washington, D. C. (Department of Corruption) is that they are considering cutting, “slashing”, military pensions because of the current fiscal crises.
Once again, they are crying “Wolf”, when what they are really doing is trying to protect their own massive pensions and perqs, while digging into the pockets of citizens and veterans who, unlike them, have EARNED their pensions and medical coverage.
Congressional pensions are monstrous, monolithic, unbelievable, and other adjectives that elude me at the moment. Congress has THEIR OWN MEDICAL COVERAGE, paid for by taxpayers, at no cost to them, which is more extensive than the average citizen gets with his exorbitant monthly payments.
They get travel allowances, public vehicles, just to go to work. That would be nice for the rest of us, too.
Taxpayers also get to pay for their staff, furnishings (regardless of cost), cable TV, Cell phones. The list goes on. AND, we don’t get to check it out. All CONFIDENTIAL, by the way.
Obama is running around the country claiming that Republicans are responsible for the current difficulties, along with Tea partiers, and/or any other real Americans who disagree with his programs, when any thinking American realizes that the problem is not with a particular party or bloc, it is with the system that rewards graft and corruption with more graft and corruption.
Basically, the Pres claims that it is their fault, it is someone’s fault, it is anyone’s fault, but it is not his failed socialist programs or his lack of ability to actually govern that is at fault.
Apparently he is incapable of learning from history which is replete with examples of just how ineffective Socialism and its offshoots cannot deal with modern realities of government, and as a sidebar, the murderous repression of their own citizens that seems to be part and parcel with that form of government.
So, STEP UP! Spread the word!.. Get everybody involved. Everyone who either is a veteran or has one in the family. Don’t let the the Socialist/Liberal clique gut our military from the back door. Don’t let disrespect our Vets with this cowardly and greedy move. Tell somebody, tell everybody. Raise the roof on this one. We will all be sorry if they get away with it.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Ego stroke!
Well, I re-read a SciFi book I have had floating around for a while. It's call "The Forge of the Elders" by L. Neil Smith.
The guy has a way with political observation that just drives me up the wall, i.e., how can he be so eloquent stating the obvious that I have known and fretted about for years when I can hardly get a sentence out without going into near apoplexy with rage.
Yeah, he's good.
So, I emailed him asking permission to use some quotes.
Rather quickly, too. I was impressed. So, as I re-read the book AGAIN, looking for quotes and/or observations, I will re-transmit them along both here in the blogs and on Facebook.
Just to maintain my status as a card-carrying member of the Lunatic Fringe.
Keep checking in. Oh, and comments are welcome. Rx
The guy has a way with political observation that just drives me up the wall, i.e., how can he be so eloquent stating the obvious that I have known and fretted about for years when I can hardly get a sentence out without going into near apoplexy with rage.
Yeah, he's good.
So, I emailed him asking permission to use some quotes.
Rather quickly, too. I was impressed. So, as I re-read the book AGAIN, looking for quotes and/or observations, I will re-transmit them along both here in the blogs and on Facebook.
Just to maintain my status as a card-carrying member of the Lunatic Fringe.
Keep checking in. Oh, and comments are welcome. Rx
L.Neil Smith,
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
generic post
well, the guvmint is continuing their program to leech their way into each and every single aspect of our/ your lives..
I am pissed about it.. That's why I do this. I don't expect a following. But somebody might find it.
So, now I see the Liberals starting to break ranks. I mean there are more and more ex-Liberals coming out and denouncing the Liberals in general, Liberal media specifically, Liberal politicians in excrement.
Look at the new book lists. They are starting to fill up with "exposes"
So, as the Establishment continues their program of pogroms of rights and liberties, more and more of their membership begins to see through the facade.
This is heartening and exciting. Yet, they, yes the proverbial they, continue with the underhanded or covert order of business in preparation for the big unveiling.
I know there won't be a "big unveiling" of their actual intent, but it will eventually become evident to everybody what they are working towards and then the feces with hit the fan.
I expect a suspension of Posse Comitatus to allow the Armed Forces to operate inside the borders of the country for maintaining order, i.e., suppressing riots, protests and other civil disorders.
One possible aspect of this will be the Federalization of all, repeat, ALL police agencies, local and state.
Continued unConstitutional decisions by the Supreme Court. Look at the recent trend and you will see for yourself.
The quote has been," Have they even READ the Constitution?'"
With their record, one has to wonder.
Vilifying the Tea Party movement, slandering the FOX network, more and more outright lies about everyone and anyone visible on the Conservative side.
A notable exception seems to be Republican politicos who play the game according to their rules. Making deals, taking payoffs, pork barrel politicians of all stripes. They are OK, because they can be "handled", as opposed to the Pauls, Palins, and Maclachans who speak to and apparently for the actual people of this country.
Ranting down. Feel free to comment
I am pissed about it.. That's why I do this. I don't expect a following. But somebody might find it.
So, now I see the Liberals starting to break ranks. I mean there are more and more ex-Liberals coming out and denouncing the Liberals in general, Liberal media specifically, Liberal politicians in excrement.
Look at the new book lists. They are starting to fill up with "exposes"
So, as the Establishment continues their program of pogroms of rights and liberties, more and more of their membership begins to see through the facade.
This is heartening and exciting. Yet, they, yes the proverbial they, continue with the underhanded or covert order of business in preparation for the big unveiling.
I know there won't be a "big unveiling" of their actual intent, but it will eventually become evident to everybody what they are working towards and then the feces with hit the fan.
I expect a suspension of Posse Comitatus to allow the Armed Forces to operate inside the borders of the country for maintaining order, i.e., suppressing riots, protests and other civil disorders.
One possible aspect of this will be the Federalization of all, repeat, ALL police agencies, local and state.
Continued unConstitutional decisions by the Supreme Court. Look at the recent trend and you will see for yourself.
The quote has been," Have they even READ the Constitution?'"
With their record, one has to wonder.
Vilifying the Tea Party movement, slandering the FOX network, more and more outright lies about everyone and anyone visible on the Conservative side.
A notable exception seems to be Republican politicos who play the game according to their rules. Making deals, taking payoffs, pork barrel politicians of all stripes. They are OK, because they can be "handled", as opposed to the Pauls, Palins, and Maclachans who speak to and apparently for the actual people of this country.
Ranting down. Feel free to comment
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Gun Contol in History
Whether you agree or not, it's an interesting lesson in history. Something to think about...
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
------------------------------ So it might be said that guns don't kill people, gun control does!
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.
The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent. Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!
In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns! While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it.
You won't see this data on the American evening news or hear our president, governors or other politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.
Take note my fellow Americans.....before it's too late! The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.
With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are 'subjects'. We here in America have the second amendment (thank God) "The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" Gun control, for our safety and the safety of the children, is the cry of those that would forfeit our God given right to self defense! (remember the 56 million who died for lack of guns to defend themselves)
If you value your freedom, Please spread this anti-gun control message to all of your friends and acquaintances.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Elitist gun control
So, now the big flap is that certain poor legislators who have been "given permission" to carry their concealed weapons in the Capitol have had their "privilege" revoked because of supposed changes in security procedures.
Wow! How interesting that this is an issue when said Legislature is engaged in trying to further infringe on our constitutional rights by outlawing the open carry of unloaded weapons. PERIOD!
Keep your eyes on that issue. It will continue with the usual moves of creeping socialism. i.e., deprive the citizenry of ANY means of defending their rights when pressed by an oppressive government.
Yes, I said oppressive.
How can anyone possibly look at the state of affairs our government has created for us in this day and age without realizing where the path is headed.
History is replete with examples of such "high-minded" examples of political double speak and the "big lie" wherein the ruling class/party/regime says they are trying to "protect" the populace when actually they are trying to protect their privileged selves.
Statistics from the Federal government (FBI and other sources) prove, beyond a shadow that gun control, as defined by Liberals, creates a high crime environment for the average citizen.
It also removes one of the checks and balances built into our system by the Founding Fathers to protect our citizens from said overbearing government and/or above mentioned "privileged selves".
The Second Amendment is quite clear about its purpose.
To protect the freedom of the people by allowing them the means to defend their rights, their selves, their property and their very freedom. Guns!
Those Liberals who claim their is no need for citizens to be armed because the Police and the Army are there to do so, have ignored the Supreme Court ruling (I regret I am unable to provide the cite) that clearly states that the police have NO RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT ANY PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL, IN ANY WAY.
And history is full of examples of police agencies joining in when the time comes to start openly enforcing the oppressive regimes pogroms or crackdowns.
The progression can be slow or it can be fast, but the evidence is there for those who will see.
The New World Order has no room for honest citizens who are armed and willing.
Although, apparently, there is plenty of room for criminals, whose 5th Amendment rights allow them to lie on government forms required for purchasing guns in order to avoid incriminating themselves.
There is also plenty of room for Terrorist and/or Pirate types around the world to keep and bear arms.
Why, ?
Because NWO requires Boogie Men to wave at us to keep us in line and pay for more "police protection".
At the ordinary citizen level, everyone knows that police are report takers and follow on investigators, there is no "protect" involved.
But, if a citizen holds political office, or runs a major corporation, Protection with a capital P.
And you know that is true.
Apparently the big push is beginning. Even tho', many years California voters passed a proposition to specifically prevent "any further infringement" of our Second Amendment Rights by the government of California. by a 2 to 1 margin. And the Legislature promptly buried it. It just disappeared, helped along by Roos-Rpberti way back when.
Pay attention, it is happening.
Wow! How interesting that this is an issue when said Legislature is engaged in trying to further infringe on our constitutional rights by outlawing the open carry of unloaded weapons. PERIOD!
Keep your eyes on that issue. It will continue with the usual moves of creeping socialism. i.e., deprive the citizenry of ANY means of defending their rights when pressed by an oppressive government.
Yes, I said oppressive.
How can anyone possibly look at the state of affairs our government has created for us in this day and age without realizing where the path is headed.
History is replete with examples of such "high-minded" examples of political double speak and the "big lie" wherein the ruling class/party/regime says they are trying to "protect" the populace when actually they are trying to protect their privileged selves.
Statistics from the Federal government (FBI and other sources) prove, beyond a shadow that gun control, as defined by Liberals, creates a high crime environment for the average citizen.
It also removes one of the checks and balances built into our system by the Founding Fathers to protect our citizens from said overbearing government and/or above mentioned "privileged selves".
The Second Amendment is quite clear about its purpose.
To protect the freedom of the people by allowing them the means to defend their rights, their selves, their property and their very freedom. Guns!
Those Liberals who claim their is no need for citizens to be armed because the Police and the Army are there to do so, have ignored the Supreme Court ruling (I regret I am unable to provide the cite) that clearly states that the police have NO RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT ANY PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL, IN ANY WAY.
And history is full of examples of police agencies joining in when the time comes to start openly enforcing the oppressive regimes pogroms or crackdowns.
The progression can be slow or it can be fast, but the evidence is there for those who will see.
The New World Order has no room for honest citizens who are armed and willing.
Although, apparently, there is plenty of room for criminals, whose 5th Amendment rights allow them to lie on government forms required for purchasing guns in order to avoid incriminating themselves.
There is also plenty of room for Terrorist and/or Pirate types around the world to keep and bear arms.
Why, ?
Because NWO requires Boogie Men to wave at us to keep us in line and pay for more "police protection".
At the ordinary citizen level, everyone knows that police are report takers and follow on investigators, there is no "protect" involved.
But, if a citizen holds political office, or runs a major corporation, Protection with a capital P.
And you know that is true.
Apparently the big push is beginning. Even tho', many years California voters passed a proposition to specifically prevent "any further infringement" of our Second Amendment Rights by the government of California. by a 2 to 1 margin. And the Legislature promptly buried it. It just disappeared, helped along by Roos-Rpberti way back when.
Pay attention, it is happening.
Big Lie,
founding fathers,
gun control,
new world order,
second amendment
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Changes is attitudes
Well, I have been hearing it all over again.
People are starting to realize just what has been happening to the country. And to them.
So, they are watching what the "representatives" are doing and how little attention they pay to the wishes of the "people", they are so busy doing the Political thing. Spending money that isn't theirs., shipping other people's children off to stupid wars for no particular reason except profit for some megacorp and/or the latest human rights crushing dictator/despot that they can buy.
I will continue watching and listening to see just how much the people can take.
Me I have been pissed off about it since the 60's.. Some things I just can't let go. Hell, I am still pissed off about Kent State. (Look it up, you will be too.)
Not to mention all the others brave men and women who stood up to be counted and got shot/lynched/burned up for their trouble.
And how about the latest travesty. Supreme Court of the United States, the last line of defense for the people against the State just handed a verdict that released the state from liability in a case where the State, i.e. the prosecuting attorney, willfully and with malice aforethought, hid evidence and committed other crimes to put a man in prison for a rape he DID NOT commit.
This man, this innocent man, served 18 years on the charges, that evidence in the hands of the state, at the time of the trial, proved he did not commit.
Yet, the Supreme Court declared that the state was NOT at fault.
Well, then..... who was?
Really! What happened to ..... well, we all know that right is irrelevant when it comes to collecting from our government.
They are always right. Historical precedent. See George V, Quisling, Hitler, Amin, Mubarak, Qaddafi, the list goes on.
Phew! That was a load off. I am sure there will be more later. Rx
People are starting to realize just what has been happening to the country. And to them.

I will continue watching and listening to see just how much the people can take.
Me I have been pissed off about it since the 60's.. Some things I just can't let go. Hell, I am still pissed off about Kent State. (Look it up, you will be too.)
Not to mention all the others brave men and women who stood up to be counted and got shot/lynched/burned up for their trouble.
And how about the latest travesty. Supreme Court of the United States, the last line of defense for the people against the State just handed a verdict that released the state from liability in a case where the State, i.e. the prosecuting attorney, willfully and with malice aforethought, hid evidence and committed other crimes to put a man in prison for a rape he DID NOT commit.
This man, this innocent man, served 18 years on the charges, that evidence in the hands of the state, at the time of the trial, proved he did not commit.
Yet, the Supreme Court declared that the state was NOT at fault.
Well, then..... who was?
Really! What happened to ..... well, we all know that right is irrelevant when it comes to collecting from our government.
They are always right. Historical precedent. See George V, Quisling, Hitler, Amin, Mubarak, Qaddafi, the list goes on.
Phew! That was a load off. I am sure there will be more later. Rx
Friday, April 1, 2011
Serfdom... Now!

F.A.Hayek, author of "The Road to Serfdom"
Serfdom is where we are. We should just admit it and get on with the next step.
Articles in today's paper in Sacramento.
- State legislature here in Sacramento has gone on with the usual, normal and everyday wrangling over what to do with our money, while doing its very best to ignore those pesky "Tea Party Nuts" who have been insisting on spending CUTS. Said legislature is proceeding with a business as usual approach in basically deciding how much more or our money they are planning to take from us and spend on stuff we mostly don't want anyway. (But who cares about what we want?)
- We are still getting daily reports about young Americans getting killed or maimed in a country nobody here really cares about one way or another. Fighting to establish Democracy in a tribal culture that has been in existence for literally thousands of years and basically has no interest in changing except just enough to keep the checks going through. Anyone from Afghanistan who is really interested in freedom and democracy already lives here or is en route. Because they know it is NOT going to happen there.
- In addition to Afghanistan and Iraq, BO is now getting his toes wet in Libya. "No boots on the ground" sounds a lot like "No new taxes" from a few years back. And what is with getting permission from the Frigging U.N. rather than our own congress. Since when do we need U.N. permission to do anything? Creeping Socialism is no longer creeping.. It is going full bore. So, to fall back on the words of the framer of the Declaration and the Constitution... Thomas Jefferson
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Freeloaders are an abomination upon society, and yet, they are part and parcel of the Entitlement generation created by creeping socialism.
They are everywhere you turn and even in your car on the way to YOUR JOB, where you, hypothetically, bust your butt trying to EARN your daily bread.
They permeate society, government, industry, the courts.
A true Libertarian society would, at least, decimate their ranks to those who are actually in need and direct them to private charities and other traditional source of assistance.
Instead of running the Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me scam on government agencies and in the streets of America taking honestly given charity away from those who are in need.
Plus, they create and foster greater cynicism on the part of the general public when said public learns the depths of their laziness, duplicity and greed.
Screw 'em all. Give to a decent charity, like the Salvation Army or the Red Cross, who have the highest ratio of money to the public and smallest of money to administration of said charities.
They are everywhere you turn and even in your car on the way to YOUR JOB, where you, hypothetically, bust your butt trying to EARN your daily bread.
They permeate society, government, industry, the courts.
A true Libertarian society would, at least, decimate their ranks to those who are actually in need and direct them to private charities and other traditional source of assistance.
Instead of running the Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me scam on government agencies and in the streets of America taking honestly given charity away from those who are in need.
Plus, they create and foster greater cynicism on the part of the general public when said public learns the depths of their laziness, duplicity and greed.
Screw 'em all. Give to a decent charity, like the Salvation Army or the Red Cross, who have the highest ratio of money to the public and smallest of money to administration of said charities.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
CranioColonic Displacement
There are a couple of guys that hang out at the corner of Capitol Park in Sacramento who are obviously hippies or Viet Vets. (Right age bracket anyway) And they are exercising their right of free speech with signs aimed at traffic.
Not the usual "Hi, I'm homeless and/or lazy so give me money" signs. Political opinion signs.
Good for them. Use that First Amendment. Express yourself.
But, OMG!
These use the swastika under a list of conservative organizations or persons. i.e. Palin, Tea Party, the list goes on.
I understand how the ill informed and undereducated might hold low opinions of those groups or persons, but to equate them with Nazis.
That is far beyond the pale.
It also negates the import of any other messages these individuals might wish to convey to the average motoring public in downtown Sacramento.
Such as "end the war", "bring our boys home". which I am in agreement with, although for different reasons and thought processes.
These two gentlemen are long haired, not a bad thing by itself, overweight, over 50, and expressing irrational opinions. Altogether not a combination guaranteed to engender sympathy or agreement in the few moments the average driver has to scan the signs full of opinions and slanders directed at the conservative right.
Anyway, sometimes, ya just gotta wonder. Rx
Not the usual "Hi, I'm homeless and/or lazy so give me money" signs. Political opinion signs.
Good for them. Use that First Amendment. Express yourself.
But, OMG!
These use the swastika under a list of conservative organizations or persons. i.e. Palin, Tea Party, the list goes on.
I understand how the ill informed and undereducated might hold low opinions of those groups or persons, but to equate them with Nazis.
That is far beyond the pale.
It also negates the import of any other messages these individuals might wish to convey to the average motoring public in downtown Sacramento.
Such as "end the war", "bring our boys home". which I am in agreement with, although for different reasons and thought processes.
These two gentlemen are long haired, not a bad thing by itself, overweight, over 50, and expressing irrational opinions. Altogether not a combination guaranteed to engender sympathy or agreement in the few moments the average driver has to scan the signs full of opinions and slanders directed at the conservative right.
Anyway, sometimes, ya just gotta wonder. Rx
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