People are starting to realize just what has been happening to the country. And to them.

I will continue watching and listening to see just how much the people can take.
Me I have been pissed off about it since the 60's.. Some things I just can't let go. Hell, I am still pissed off about Kent State. (Look it up, you will be too.)
Not to mention all the others brave men and women who stood up to be counted and got shot/lynched/burned up for their trouble.
And how about the latest travesty. Supreme Court of the United States, the last line of defense for the people against the State just handed a verdict that released the state from liability in a case where the State, i.e. the prosecuting attorney, willfully and with malice aforethought, hid evidence and committed other crimes to put a man in prison for a rape he DID NOT commit.
This man, this innocent man, served 18 years on the charges, that evidence in the hands of the state, at the time of the trial, proved he did not commit.
Yet, the Supreme Court declared that the state was NOT at fault.
Well, then..... who was?
Really! What happened to ..... well, we all know that right is irrelevant when it comes to collecting from our government.
They are always right. Historical precedent. See George V, Quisling, Hitler, Amin, Mubarak, Qaddafi, the list goes on.
Phew! That was a load off. I am sure there will be more later. Rx
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