Wednesday, November 9, 2016

8 Nov 2016

Election Night America:
               Well, the first part of the struggle is done. 
               Hillary actually conceded.  A complete surprise to many. 
               It was thought her megalomania would prevent any concession.   Of any sort. 
               So, I guess she is headed for her new home in a non-extradition country, to follow her Clinton Foundation monies. 
               I am hopeful for the new directions being promised by Trump and company, although as a resident of the Soviet Socialist People’s Republic of California,  I hold out little hope for myself and any others who, like myself, are economically chained here.
               At the very least, it will be a very interesting year where we will see just exactly Congress will react or act under this administration.
               They will have to get Congress to toe the line.  Not exactly an easy chore as the Republicrats all know where their money comes from, i.e. the corporate oligarchy that contributed so heavily to the Obama administration to drive this country down.
               Considering the extremes that the Left was willing to go to in order to influence this election, one has to wonder what sort of extremes do they have remaining in their playbooks. 
               I, for one, certainly hope Trump’s own security forces are backing up the Secret Service. 
               The Clintons are famous for leaving a looonng line of dead people who opposed them in one thing or another. From Arkansas all the way to Washington, D.C.
               So.  I will continue my search for an escape from the S.S.P.R.of C., while attempting to make a living for my wife and myself.
               As I will continue to think rosy thoughts about the immediate future of the country. 

               Hoping for the best for Americans of all persuasions, colors and creeds.  

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