Wednesday, February 28, 2018

2/28/2018 7:04 PM
Every day we hear certain terms on and in the media. 

Terms like, immigration, illegal immigration, Islamophobia, Social Justice Warrior, Antifa, Fascist, Racist. Gun violence, and white privilege. The list goes on. 

Mostly couched in phrases dripping with concern for the state of their “fellow Americans”. 
I don’t need to repeat ANY of the speeches as I am sure you have all heard one or another version. 

But, try thinking of this situation from a different viewpoint.  Say, that of 1942. 

For instance.  Instead of illegal immigration, think “invasion”.  A growing army a foreign mercenaries being paid by the Deep State and our own tax dollars to disrupt our cities, create unrest and to alter the voting paradigm in the entire country.

Instead of “American Education System” or Public schools, think of “Fifth Column” of socialist sleepers who have infiltrated the one place where they can program, radicalize, and, yes, brainwash our greatest asset.  Our children.  Turning them against everything we, as Americans, believe in.

Instead of Islamic “refugees”, not individual muslims, but specifically the Islamics.. instead think of Black Ops, special forces whose JOB is to infiltrate and tear down our political system by using that same system. (Something they readily admit as well as their goal to use that system and the Constitution it is based on to destroy us and replace the Constitution with Sharia Law)

Instead of Mainstream Media, think instead of Lord HawHaw, Tokyo Rose and the guy in Baghdad who swore Americans weren’t even in Iraq while they were driving tanks up mainstreet. Facts twisted, polls made up to order, lies issued on an hourly basis, character assassination of our elected leaders. 

Instead of “elected leaders”, think instead of the old Soviet term “the nomenklatura”, meaning those whose names are on the list of the privileged.  Here it is “in the club”, to which you are not invited. Public servants actually means Public “Masters”, now.

And despite all the good men who wear badges, think of the cops who murder unarmed men and women, and even children, as the same as the death squads of Argentina and Venezuela.  Their    JOB is to keep the citizens “under control”.  When was the last time a cop in your town actually prevented a crime>  Or saved someone from a criminal.?  Or stopped an Antifa riot?  Yeah, me neither. Brown shirts from German history.  Exempt from prosecution.  Investigating themselves for crimes against the people.  Or “fearing for their life” because a man reached for the ID they just asked him for.

Everyone has bills to pay.  Maybe they have good jobs they don’t want to endanger.  They’ve got the new truck or boat they want to use. Or “the Voice” is on tonight.

Instead of Movies and TV and celebrities think of bread and circuses and gladiators in the ring.  Always something to distract from the very real goings on in our country.

The battle has been joined, they just forgot to tell most of the American people.