Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A little llist.

22 Oct 2013

               You all probably know by now, if you have followed the news at all, that we now live in a police state.
               From the bottom up; A list, not necessarily in any order, except the order they come to me.
1.      “Civil Servants” is now semantically equal to “civil masters” Heinlein was right.
2.      Schools teach your children how to obey and worship the government rather than how to think for themselves and function as responsible adults.  And they react with force and violence when their actions are questioned, even in forums supposedly for that very purpose.
3.      Police powers have left the Bill of Rights in the dust, with police ignoring search warrant laws, shooting citizens with impunity.  Bullying citizens with imaginary “regulations” and “statutes” into allowing searches and other violations of rights.
4.      States, cities, counties and feds are virtually all immune to any form of redress through the courts, by statute.  You can’t sue them if they wrong you.  Courts stand with authorities with no regard for individual rights.  Police are immune from suits.  Police investigate their own wrongdoings, with predictable results.
5.      Secret courts, secret warrants, secret bugging.  The list goes on.
6.      Local administrations, city, county, water district, sewer district, and DMV,  issues commandments disguised as regulations, fines, assessments, levies, permit costs, license costs, fees pretty much at will, leaving absolutely no recourse for the average citizen,  Again, local courts are useless being backed up and so expensive as to be prohibitive,  as designed , specifically to deter and discourage lawsuits.
7.      The “War on Drugs” has imprisoned more people in this country than in any two other countries in the world, mostly for victimless crimes like using or growing.
8.      Border Patrol, ICE, DHS and others routinely violating rights with warrantless searches and illegal detainments without probable cause all over the country with no regard for any actual borders.
9.      Federal “authorities” completely disregarding election laws, contribution laws, their own regulations and rules to further an anti-American agenda of communism, socialism, Islamism, and political correctness that is going to end in violence.  Either in revolution or in mass oppression and suppression of dissent.
10.   Taxation at ALL levels has surpassed any  possibility of maintaining an acceptable lifestyle for any except the political and corporate classes.
11.   These two classes have devolved into a self styled aristocracy that feels it is within its rights to decide how everyone else should live their lives.  And that they deserve the fruits of our labors.
12.   The alphabet agencies are all either gearing up or are already set to come down on the American people to enforce the Statist rule in this country.
13.   The Executive branch is steadily weeding the military of the loyal American high command seeking pliant obedient officers who won’t hesitate to fire on American citizens if ordered to do so.
14.   The Executive branch is showing its Islamist sympathy more and more every day,  putting known foreign  terrorist sympathizers and homegrown convicted terrorists in high level government positions, specifically in the police and enforcement positions where they can affect the way those agencies operate.
15.   Political Correctness as fostered by government entities and the liberal media is working hard to stifle the First Amendment right to speak one’s mind or to criticize either special groups, pronounced Islamists, or the Federal government, to the point of actual laws to allow the arrest and prosecution of protesters at the whim of any government thug.
16.   The Islamists are actually invading this country.  Once here, unlike any other group of immigrants, they immediately bring their own horrific beliefs and practices to the fore, completely disregarding American laws and customs, but using those same laws and customs to bully and intimidate their new neighbors.  Apparently with the support and collusion of law enforcement nationwide.