Thursday, November 21, 2013

Islam. Religious? Or political?

21 Nov 13
It turns out that Islam is NOT so much a religion as a political entity with “paradise” as the reward for compliance and fealty. 
Shariah law is self-explanatory.  Complete dominance over certain individuals or groups by other individuals or groups.  Stated right in there is the complete part.  Judge, jury and executioner as decided by those individuals or groups. 
REGARDLESS of locale, custom, usage and or statutory jurisdiction. 
However this came about, the result is that a rogue political group has infiltrated this country with the aim of subverting our culture, institutions and way of life to their own perverted and even more violent culture.
Now, having infiltrated our government at the highest levels, they are making their move.  Starting at the lower levels, county, state and municipal, they are actually getting courts to approve their actions by recognizing Shariah Law as some sort of religious freedom that is sacrosanct under the Constitution.  
Much the same way L. Ron Hubbard got a Multi-million dollar sales corporation designated a legal religion to avoid taxes and legal oversight. 
They are scams, we all know they are scams, but they are now legal. 
Unfortunately, many people do not know Islam is a scam.  They believe that just because it is old, it must be a religion.  In that sense, it is, as is the single most wealthy corporate entity in the world.  The Catholic Church. 
But, Islam has ALWAYS been a political entity.  Dedicated to conquering the world, and has almost succeeded many times.  But it has failed in the end because of the way it works. 
Islam cannot tolerate the different, the exceptional.  It is a rigid caste system that must be adhered to lest the upper castes be displaced by those more capable.
And this intolerance shows in the bloodiest most violent practices.  Terrorism of their own to rival the Auto Da Fey and the Inquisition (although the Inquisition may have borrowed some of their ideas).
That is the ONE goal of Islam.  The absolute supremacy of Islam and Shariah over the entire world.  No matter the cost to the world, including their own children.
Every, each and every, all, no exceptions, practicing Muslim has this as his or her goal.  Their motivation in life.  It is part and parcel with the indoctrination, training,  “prayers” (actually a furthering of the indoctrination) and daily life.
Moderate muslims are not.  They are the public face of these new Nazis.  They misquote and mislabel their “mein kampf” or quran by using lines from early in the book to mislead questioners.  While that book itself states that the later passages take precedence of the earlier.  Meaning the more violent sentiments are the more valid ones to take from reading the book.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I think...

I think:
  • Our government elites need to be taken down a peg. 
  • We should reduce their exorbitant salaries, provided at taxpayer expense.
  • We should remove their elitist health care, provided at taxpayer expense.
  • We should redirect those exorbitant salaries to military salaries, especially those in harm's way.
  • We should redirect those elitist health care plans to the wounded veterans currently being given short shrift by said government. 
  • We should sever the continuing corruption cycle of the corporate-government revolving door policy.  Pick one or the other, not both.
  • We should prosecute law breakers and wrongdoers, regardless of current position or government title.
  • We should dismantle the Democratic Socialist Regime we currently have and return to an actual Republic, where an individuals rights cannot be taken away by a slick lawyer and or a well run ad campaign, even after some disaster that is not related to that person occurs and scares some people.
  • We should redefine "eminent domain" as a concept requiring a "burden of proof" on the petitioner rather than the current owner. 
  • We should DISCONTINUE all foreign aid, except possibly disaster relief, until and unless unemployment drops to a minimal level.  
  • We should discontinue the practice of using our military to police the world, shore up dictatorships or overthrow democracies or functioning regimes regardless of certain sectors of the populace's feelings about said regimes. 
  • We should re-examine the choke hold that unions have on labor and management in the U.S. today with a view to becoming economically competitive INSIDE our own borders again. 
  • We should remind ourselves that religion has NO PLACE in government.  The Founding Fathers, nominal Christians mostly, agreed that the separation of church and state was essential.  Religious opinions are and should be kept as personal matters, rather than statutory issues. 
  • We should regain the concept that there are many places and issues that government really has NO say in, unless some person comes to some form of harm.
  • We should clean up the court system, simplify, streamline, and restore responsibility to the bench.  Judges and lawyers should be responsible for THEIR actions as well as their clients.
  • We should restore the concept of responsibility to police, judges, lawyers, civil servants, government employees, military personnel, individual citizens.  RESPONSIBLE for their own actions or lack of actions. 
  • We should restore this responsibility to the concept of SELF-DEFENSE.  A person is ultimately responsible for his own defense and that of his family.  No one can RELY on someone else for that defense.  (Even if a person HIRES some person or agency for that purpose, it is on that person.) 
End Part I