Saturday, June 13, 2009

B.O. (Now stands for Bend Over)

That's right, Mr. Obama has gravely disappointed me.
I was looking forward to having him shake things up on Capitol Hill. But He has turned out to be just the Ideal Democrat/Socialist. Every other sentence is about what a mess the Bush Administration left him to deal with.
Very little about what he is DOING. Lots of parabola about his lofty goals and miracle cures.
But they all come back to creating a new Socialist Utopis, even with the evidence that Socialism is a complete failure throughout history.
That doesn't count China because China is NOT socialist. It is a non-heredity monarchy.
The "King" or Premier actually owns everything, with the Aristocracy, or Party Membership, keeping things running by using Propaganda and the Military.
Now I have wandered all over the place.
Obama is planning to Socialize everything and making up pay for it.
Watch and plan for your own survival thru the recession/depression. Watch the obvious steps he will be taking, compare the rhetoric and the actions.
More Later...

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