Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Infidel Factor
Def: ” That level of perceived difference between one group of humans and another that allows either group to claim moral or ethical high ground in dealing with the other group, permitting varying latitudes and levels of guilt free response to actions and stimuli, real or perceived.”

Thousands of years ago, when people tried to come up with explanations of where they came from, who created the world, why things happened, etc. , they basically arrived at conclusions that fit with their own languages, which described themselves as “the people”.

The People. The only real people. The only ones that matter.

All others are or were NOT real people. Therefore they were not REAL. Therefore they didn’t matter at all.

Then, when they developed gods, naturally, their gods were the only real gods and too good for those OTHERS. So, they classified the Others as less than real, less than human.

And, following eternal human logic, if they are/were less than human, they are/were animals, to be dealt with as such.

Without compassion or compunction.

This was refined over time by various religions and regimes as infidels or heretics. Which terms have survived, along with a few others, over the centuries to modern day.

Now commonly used to denote differences that are cited as causes for war, terrorism, assaults, beatings, hate crimes, the list goes on.

Whites call other races all sorts of epithets, which basically translate down to “infidel” (not one of US). This justifies any actions they decide to take.

Christians, especially fundamentalists, use other terms as well, and other subtleties of language to describe those they classify as “less than ourselves”, or less than human.

Each separate group or ethnos develops their own terminology and lexicon to describe whatever group they hate this week.

Right now, we are all too familiar with certain Muslim groups and their opinions of infidels and, of course, what they would like to happen to all infidels. Research the term Al-Shariyah. Muslim law for everybody, whether they like it or not. This is the fundamentalist goal for that particular group.

Liberals, American, that is. Have developed their own lexicon for the infidel. Fundamentalist, Sects, Survivalist, Conservative, Home grown Terrorist, and the ever popular Drug Dealer.

More on this subject later. Rx

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