Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Elitist gun control

So, now the big flap is that certain poor legislators who have been "given permission" to carry their concealed weapons in the Capitol have had their "privilege" revoked because of supposed changes in security procedures.
Wow! How interesting that this is an issue when said Legislature is engaged in trying to further infringe on our constitutional rights by outlawing the open carry of unloaded weapons. PERIOD!
Keep your eyes on that issue.  It will continue with the usual moves of creeping socialism. i.e., deprive the citizenry of ANY means of defending their rights when pressed by an oppressive government.
Yes, I said oppressive.
How can anyone possibly look at the state of affairs our government has created for us in this day and age without realizing where the path is headed.
History is replete with examples of such "high-minded" examples of political double speak and the "big lie" wherein the ruling class/party/regime says they are trying to "protect" the populace when actually they are trying to protect their privileged selves.
Statistics from the Federal government (FBI and other sources) prove, beyond a shadow that gun control, as defined by Liberals, creates a high crime environment for the average citizen.
It also removes one of the checks and balances built into our system by the Founding Fathers to protect our citizens from said overbearing government and/or above mentioned "privileged selves".
The Second Amendment is quite clear about its purpose.
To protect the freedom of the people by allowing them the means to defend their rights, their selves, their property and their very freedom.  Guns!
Those Liberals who claim their is no need for citizens to be armed because the Police and the Army are there to do so, have ignored the Supreme Court ruling (I regret I am unable to provide the cite) that clearly states that the police have NO RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT ANY PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL, IN ANY WAY.
And history is full of examples of police agencies joining in when the time comes to start openly enforcing the oppressive regimes pogroms or crackdowns.
The progression can be slow or it can be fast, but the evidence is there for those who will see.
The New World Order has no room for honest citizens who are armed and willing.
Although, apparently, there is plenty of room for criminals, whose 5th Amendment rights allow them to lie on government forms required for purchasing guns in order to avoid incriminating themselves.
There is also plenty of room for Terrorist and/or Pirate types around the world to keep and bear arms.
Why, ?
Because NWO requires Boogie Men to wave at us to keep us in line and pay for more "police protection".
At the ordinary citizen level, everyone knows that police are report takers and follow on investigators, there is no "protect" involved.
But, if a citizen holds political office, or runs a major corporation, Protection with a capital P.
And you know that is true.
Apparently the big push is beginning.  Even tho', many years California voters passed a proposition to specifically prevent "any further infringement" of our Second Amendment Rights by the government of California.  by a 2 to 1 margin. And the Legislature promptly buried it.  It just disappeared, helped along by Roos-Rpberti way back when.
Pay attention, it is happening.

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