Wednesday, February 3, 2016

College Student interviews

Well, I just watched another in a long line of videos, typical “man in the street” type interviews.
This one took place at an unnamed college in Middle America. 
The interviewer was catching young people around the campus and nearby, asking them simple questions of history and politics.
“Who won the Civil War?”. “Who did we win our independence from?”, “Who is the current Vice-President of the United States?”, “When was the Civil War?”.
There are literally dozens of such videos, from Jay Leno’s “Jaywalking”, to independent productions like the one above. 
They completely illustrate one point. 
The Old America is dead and gone.  There is no way we can recover from this widespread stupidity and ignorance. 
Our next generation is apparently incapable of pulling their noses out of their iPhones long enough to read a book.  Attending college is an exercise in “getting by” enough to graduate without actually learning anything, while “partying hearty” and showing everybody how liberal and “civilized” they are by supporting socialism without really knowing what it is. 
Supporting Islamic immigration without regard for the consequences  of importing the nations most deadly enemies right into our homes.  Supporting Palestinian terrorism because it is the “cause celebre” of the moment.
The Left has infiltrated our schools to the point that Common Core, the worst abomination ever foisted on education, is accepted and enforced. 
The Left has infiltrated our media to the point that the press blatantly ignores the indiscretions of their darlings while vilifying virtually anything conservative. 
Our government legal arms are becoming secret police loyal only to the administration.  The judicial system is more concerned with Political Correctness than Right or Justice.  The Executive Branch has completely abandoned the pretense of democratic process and the Legislative Branch practically advertises that it is for sale.
The system has worked for a verrry long time to devise a system separating the populace into separate and hostile groups.  Blacks, Jews, whites, Mexicans, Asians.
The media works very hard to foster the illusion that they are in fact, enemies.  And many people buy into this fiction. 
The fact is that racial and religious prejudice is an aberration in the modern world.  An aberration that has found a home in fundamentally primitive minds.    
There are people who hate.  You will find some people who hate something, no matter what it is.
The reality is that all those groups only have one enemy.  The system that is oppressing them, robbing them, murdering them and walking away scot free without consequence of any sort.
America the Old is gone.  Destroyed by apathetic non-voters who “went with the flow” rather than to stand up for what is right or just.
As was witnessed recently, even peaceful protestors are subject to violent measures, which is not to say it hasn’t been happening all along, as in Waco, Ruby Ridge, Wounded Knee.
Now, this New World Order is making overt moves to destroy what is left of America and freedom wherever it is found in the world.  Along with a blatant worldwide depopulation program and economic warfare on a global scale.

America the Old is gone.  To salvage any freedom will require cooperation on a scale that will probably never overcome the programming that has been going on for decades.  

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