Thursday, March 31, 2011


Freeloaders are an abomination upon society, and yet, they are part and parcel of the Entitlement generation created by creeping socialism.
They are everywhere you turn and even in your car on the way to YOUR JOB, where you, hypothetically, bust your butt trying to EARN your daily bread.
They permeate society, government, industry, the courts.
A true Libertarian society would, at least, decimate their ranks to those who are actually in need and direct them to private charities and other traditional source of assistance.
Instead of running the Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me scam on government agencies and in the streets of America taking honestly given charity away from those who are in need.
Plus, they create and foster greater cynicism on the part of the general public when said public learns the depths of their laziness, duplicity and greed.
Screw 'em all. Give to a decent charity, like the Salvation Army or the Red Cross, who have the highest ratio of money to the public and smallest of money to administration of said charities.

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