Sunday, August 21, 2011

Aristocrat v. Peasant

According to Webster's:
Peasant (def 2.)  : a usually uneducated person of low social status

Aristocrat (def. 3)   : one believed to be superior of its kind

If you take a step back and examine our modern society with an unbiased view, difficult as that may be, you will note the obvious:
   Although the terms have fallen into disuse, they are quite applicable to our current social arrangement. 
  Our new "self-styled" aristocracy believes itself to be the superior of its kind.  Just a little, or a lot depending on the source, better than the hoi polloi that make the major bulk of Americans. 
  They believe themselves to be smarter, better educated, more attuned to "political realities" and, oh yeah, RICHER than the rest of us.  Ergo, they are superior. 
  Better educated?  Well, most of them went to better schools, but education is more than the school.   Someone has to learn from those schools and not just buy your schoolwork from the local laissez faire nerd.  That is where RICHER comes in handy.  
  Smarter?  Exactly how many of these supposedly smarter upper class types keep stepping on their own appendages publicly and repeatedly.  Bill Clinton, George Bush, Paris Hilton.  The list goes on.
But, truthfully, RICHER comes in handy here as well, because many people are loath to embarass the rich because it might cut into their own profit margin.  Others might hope to profit from these gaffes themselves. 
  More attuned to political realities?   Well, after years of indoctrination by Socialist educators and mentors (i.e. Obama's recent revelations of his  mentors), that is definitely open to question.  
Webster’s (again) 
Reality:  def 2. a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs  (2) : the totality of real things and events.
This obviously does NOT include the current “close your eyes and repeat ‘it MUST be true, it MUST be true” attitude of certain leftist/Liberal/Socialist/Communistic world leaders living in Washington, D.C.
The tactic is the same one Clinton tried, The Big Lie, fine tuned by J. Stalin in post WWII U.S.S.R.  Keep telling the same lie often enough and eventually people will start believing it. 
Reality is not defined by what some aristocrat wants to be true, i.e. Great big Socialist One World Government with a docile proletariat happily toiling away at distasteful tasks, and a kindly, beneficent gentry running things only because they are qualified and better able to handle the complicated tasks involved.
Reality is almost a hundred years of dreadful history highlighting the immense, repeated failure of Socialism to accomplish anything useful besides allow tyrants to massacre millions of their own people in relentless efforts to maintain their power and control over those people.
Economies devastated, famines hushed up, five year plan disasters, mass murder commonplace.  Propaganda works, for a while, but eventually, the truth will out.

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