Monday, August 15, 2011

Cut Pensions? Military or Congressional….. You Decide.

The latest travesty out of Washington, D. C. (Department of Corruption) is that they are considering cutting, “slashing”, military pensions because of the current fiscal crises.
Once again, they are crying “Wolf”, when what they are really doing is trying to protect their own massive pensions and perqs, while digging into the pockets of citizens and veterans who, unlike them, have EARNED their pensions and medical coverage.
Congressional pensions are monstrous, monolithic, unbelievable, and other adjectives that elude me at the moment.  Congress has THEIR OWN MEDICAL COVERAGE, paid for by taxpayers, at no cost to them,  which is more extensive than the average citizen gets with his exorbitant monthly payments.
They get travel allowances, public vehicles, just to go to work.  That would be nice for the rest of us, too.
Taxpayers also get to pay for their staff, furnishings (regardless of cost), cable TV, Cell phones.  The list goes on.  AND, we don’t get to check it out.  All CONFIDENTIAL, by the way.
Obama is running around the country claiming that Republicans are responsible for the current difficulties, along with Tea partiers, and/or any other real Americans who disagree with his programs,   when any thinking American realizes that the problem is not with a particular party or bloc, it is with the system that rewards graft and corruption with more graft and corruption.  
Basically, the Pres claims that it is their fault, it is someone’s fault, it is anyone’s fault, but it is not his failed socialist programs or his lack of ability to actually govern that is at fault. 
Apparently he is incapable of learning from history which is replete with examples of just how ineffective Socialism and its offshoots cannot deal with modern realities of government, and as a sidebar, the murderous repression of their own citizens that seems to be part and parcel with that form of government.
So,          STEP UP!  Spread the word!.. Get everybody involved.  Everyone who either is a veteran or has one in the family.  Don’t let the the Socialist/Liberal clique gut our military from the back door.  Don’t let disrespect our Vets with this cowardly and greedy move.  Tell somebody, tell everybody.  Raise the roof on this one.  We will all be sorry if they get away with it. 

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